Tibor Janči
Tibor Janči
University of Zagreb, Faculty of Food Technology and Biotechnology, Laboratory for Meat and Fish
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Determination of volatile compounds and quality parameters of traditional Istrian dry-cured ham
N Marušić, S Vidaček, T Janči, T Petrak, H Medić
Meat Science 96 (4), 1409-1416, 2014
Determination of histamine in fish by Surface Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy using silver colloid SERS substrates
T Janči, D Valinger, JG Kljusurić, L Mikac, S Vidaček, M Ivanda
Food Chemistry 224, 48-54, 2017
Characterization of volatile compounds, physico-chemical and sensory characteristics of smoked dry-cured ham
N Marušić Radovčić, S Vidaček, T Janči, H Medić
Journal of food science and technology 53, 4093-4105, 2016
Optimization of parameters for histamine detection in fish muscle extracts by surface‐enhanced Raman spectroscopy using silver colloid SERS substrates
T Janči, L Mikac, M Ivanda, N Marušić Radovčić, H Medić, S Vidaček
Journal of Raman spectroscopy 48 (1), 64-72, 2017
Assessment of storage shelf life of European squid (cephalopod: Loliginidae, Loligo vulgaris) by bioelectrical impedance measurements
S Zavadlav, T Janči, I Lacković, S Karlović, I Rogulj, S Vidaček
Journal of Food Engineering 184, 44-52, 2016
Mass spectrometric quantification of volatile compounds released by fresh Atlantic salmon stored at 4 C under modified atmosphere packaging and vacuum packaging for up to 16 days
H Dalsvåg, J Cropotova, AR Jambrak, T Janči, P Španěl, K Dryahina, ...
ACS Food Science & Technology 2 (3), 400-414, 2021
Surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy substrate based on Ag-coated self-assembled polystyrene spheres
L Mikac, M Ivanda, M Gotić, V Janicki, H Zorc, T Janči, S Vidaček
Journal of molecular structure 1146, 530-535, 2017
Fat content and fatty acid composition in Istrian and Dalmatian dry-cured ham
N Marušić, S Vidaček, T Janči, T Petrak, H Medić, M Petrović
MESO: Prvi hrvatski časopis o mesu 15 (4), 279-284, 2013
Differencing sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax) fillets frozen in different conditions by impedance measurements
S Vidaček, T Janči, Z Brdek, D Udovičić, N Marušić, H Medić, T Petrak, ...
International Journal of Food Science and Technology 47 (8), 1757-1764, 2012
Salt and moisture content determination of fish by bioelectrical impedance and a needle-type multi-electrode array
T Ćurić, N Marušić Radovčić, T Janči, I Lacković, S Vidaček
International journal of food properties 20 (11), 2477-2486, 2017
Influence of sample matrix on determination of histamine in fish by surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy coupled with chemometric modelling
SV Filipec, D Valinger, L Mikac, M Ivanda, JG Kljusurić, T Janči
Foods 10 (8), 1767, 2021
Safety of fish products
S Vidaček, T Janči
Regulating Safety of Traditional and Ethnic Foods, 79-97, 2016
Udio masti i sastav masnih kiselina u istarskom i dalmatinskom pršutu.
N Marušić, M Petrović, S Vidaček, T Janči, T Petrak, H Medić
Meso 15 (4), 2013
Potential risks and health benefits of fish in the diet during the childbearing period: Focus on trace elements and n-3 fatty acid content in commonly consumed fish species …
AS Grgec, J Jurasović, Z Kljaković-Gašpić, T Orct, IR Samarin, T Janči, ...
Environmental advances 8, 100226, 2022
Silicon nanowires substrates fabrication for ultra-sensitive surface enhanced raman spectroscopy sensors
H Gebavi, L Mikac, M Marciuš, M Šikic, V Mohaček-Grošev, T Janči, ...
Croatica chemica acta 90 (2), 259-262, 2017
Određivanje hlapivih komponenata arome kulena
N Marušić Radovčić, T Janči, S Vidaček, H Medić, P Kušec
Meso: prvi hrvatski časopis o mesu 17 (4), 338-344, 2015
Fat content, fatty acid composition and lipid oxidation in industrial and traditional Baranja kulen
N Marušić Radovčić, S Heleš, S Vidaček, T Janči, T Petrak, H Medić
Meso 3, 265-269, 2014
Influence of Fish Handling Practices Onboard Purse Seiners on Quality Parameters of Sardines (Sardina pilchardus) during Cold Storage
T Janči, T Gauta, P Putnik, D Kanski, M Lovrinov
Biomolecules 13 (2), 192, 2023
Udio i stupanj oksidacije masti i sastav masnih kiselina industrijskog i tradicionalnog Baranjskog kulena.
NM Radovčić, S Heleš, S Vidaček, T Janči, T Petrak, H Medić
Meso 16 (3), 2014
SV Filipec, T Janči
Food Safety Management, 205-222, 2023
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مقالات 1–20