Terry L Schell
Terry L Schell
RAND, Santa Monica
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Invisible wounds of war: Psychological and cognitive injuries, their consequences, and services to assist recovery
TL Tanielian
Rand Corporation, 2008
Mental health of Cambodian refugees 2 decades after resettlement in the United States
GN Marshall, TL Schell, MN Elliott, SM Berthold, CA Chun
Jama 294 (5), 571-579, 2005
Disparate prevalence estimates of PTSD among service members who served in Iraq and Afghanistan: possible explanations
R Ramchand, TL Schell, BR Karney, KC Osilla, RM Burns, LB Caldarone
Journal of Traumatic Stress: Official Publication of The International …, 2010
All symptoms are not created equal: the prominent role of hyperarousal in the natural course of posttraumatic psychological distress.
TL Schell, GN Marshall, LH Jaycox
Journal of abnormal psychology 113 (2), 189, 2004
Survey of individuals previously deployed for OEF/OIF
TL Schell, GN Marshall
Invisible wounds of war: Psychological and cognitive injuries, their …, 2008
2015 Department of Defense health related behaviors survey (HRBS)
SO Meadows, CC Engel, RL Collins, RL Beckman, M Cefalu, ...
Rand health quarterly 8 (2), 5, 2018
Reappraising the link between peritraumatic dissociation and PTSD symptom severity: evidence from a longitudinal study of community violence survivors.
GN Marshall, TL Schell
Journal of Abnormal Psychology 111 (4), 626, 2002
Mental health stigma in the military
JD Acosta
Rand, 2014
Sexual assault and sexual harassment in the US military
AR Morral, KL Gore, TL Schell
Rand Corporation, 2014
Prevalence of posttraumatic stress disorder and major depression after trauma center hospitalization
RA Shih, TL Schell, K Hambarsoomian, H Belzberg, GN Marshall
Journal of Trauma and Acute Care Surgery 69 (6), 1560-1566, 2010
Barriers to mental health care utilization for US Cambodian refugees.
EC Wong, GN Marshall, TL Schell, MN Elliott, K Hambarsoomians, ...
Journal of consulting and clinical psychology 74 (6), 1116, 2006
Socio‐environmental influences on adolescents’ alcohol outcome expectancies: A prospective analysis
SC Martino, RL Collins, PL Ellickson, TL Schell, D McCaffrey
Addiction 101 (7), 971-983, 2006
Evidence for an equality heuristic in social decision making
DM Messick, T Schell
Acta Psychologica 80 (1-3), 311-323, 1992
Ethnic differences in posttraumatic distress: Hispanics’ symptoms differ in kind and degree.
GN Marshall, TL Schell, JNV Miles
Journal of consulting and clinical psychology 77 (6), 1169, 2009
The deployment life study: Longitudinal analysis of military families across the deployment cycle
SO Meadows, T Tanielian, B Karney, T Schell, BA Griffin, LH Jaycox, ...
Rand health quarterly 6 (2), 7, 2017
State-level estimates of household firearm ownership
TL Schell, S Peterson, BG Vegetabile, A Scherling, R Smart, AR Morral
RAND, 2020
The influence of race in police–civilian interactions: A content analysis of videotaped interactions taken during Cincinnati police traffic stops
TL Dixon, TL Schell, H Giles, KL Drogos
Journal of communication 58 (3), 530-549, 2008
Confirmatory factor analysis of posttraumatic stress symptoms in Cambodian refugees
PA Palmieri, GN Marshall, TL Schell
Journal of Traumatic Stress 20 (2), 207-216, 2007
The role of hyperarousal in the manifestation of posttraumatic psychological distress following injury.
GN Marshall, TL Schell, SM Glynn, V Shetty
Journal of Abnormal Psychology 115 (3), 624, 2006
Spanish and English versions of the PTSD Checklist–Civilian version (PCL‐C): Testing for differential item functioning
JNV Miles, GN Marshall, TL Schell
Journal of Traumatic Stress: Official Publication of The International …, 2008
يتعذر على النظام إجراء العملية في الوقت الحالي. عاود المحاولة لاحقًا.
مقالات 1–20