Alireza Farid
Alireza Farid
بريد إلكتروني تم التحقق منه على um.ac.ir
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Sensitivity of calibrated parameters and water resource estimates on different objective functions and optimization algorithms
D Houshmand Kouchi, K Esmaili, A Faridhosseini, SH Sanaeinejad, ...
Water 9 (6), 384, 2017
A statistical framework for estimating air temperature using MODIS land surface temperature data
N Janatian, M Sadeghi, SH Sanaeinejad, E Bakhshian, A Farid, ...
International Journal of Climatology 37 (3), 1181-1194, 2017
Application and comparison of NSGA-II and MOPSO in multi-objective optimization of water resources systems
A Hojjati, M Monadi, A Faridhosseini, M Mohammadi
Journal of Hydrology and Hydromechanics 66 (3), 323-329, 2018
Using drought indices to assess climate change impacts on drought conditions in the northeast of Iran (case study: Kashafrood basin)
N Sayari, M Bannayan, A Alizadeh, A Farid
Meteorological Applications 20 (1), 115-127, 2013
Estimating evaporation from lakes and reservoirs under limited data condition in a semi-arid region
M Majidi, A Alizadeh, A Farid, M Vazifedoust
Water resources management 29, 3711-3733, 2015
Using airborne lidar to predict Leaf Area Index in cottonwood trees and refine riparian water-use estimates
A Farid, DC Goodrich, R Bryant, S Sorooshian
Journal of Arid environments 72 (1), 1-15, 2008
Using airborne lidar to discern age classes of cottonwood trees in a riparian area
A Farid, DC Goodrich, S Sorooshian
Western Journal of Applied Forestry 21 (3), 149-158, 2006
An optimal renewable energy management strategy with and without hydropower using a factor weighted multi-criteria decision making analysis and nation-wide big data-Case study …
P Ifaei, A Farid, CK Yoo
Energy 158, 357-372, 2018
The determination of reference evapotranspiration for spatial distribution mapping using geostatistics
MI Kamali, R Nazari, A Faridhosseini, H Ansari, S Eslamian
Water Resources Management 29, 3929-3940, 2015
Agro-ecological zoning for wheat (Triticum aestivum), sugar beet (Beta vulgaris) and corn (Zea mays) on the Mashhad plain, Khorasan Razavi province
E Neamatollahi, M Bannayan, MR Jahansuz, P Struik, A Farid
The Egyptian Journal of Remote Sensing and Space Science 15 (1), 99-112, 2012
Analysis of the effect of missing weather data on estimating daily reference evapotranspiration under different climatic conditions
M Majidi, A Alizadeh, M Vazifedoust, A Farid, T Ahmadi
Water Resources Management 29, 2107-2124, 2015
Effects of crop density and irrigation management on water productivity of rice production in Northern Iran: Field and modeling approach
E Amiri, T Razavipour, A Farid, M Bannayan
Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis 42 (17), 2085-2099, 2011
Evaluating the effects of UHI on climate parameters (A case study for Mashhad, Khorrasan)
S Ghazanfari, M Naseri, F Faridani, H Aboutorabi, A Farid
International journal of Energy and Environment 3 (2), 94-101, 2009
Comparing the performance of dynamical and statistical downscaling on historical run precipitation data over a semi-arid region
N Salehnia, F Hosseini, A Farid, S Kolsoumi, A Zarrin, M Hasheminia
Asia-Pacific Journal of Atmospheric Sciences, 2019
Riparian vegetation classification from airborne laser scanning data with an emphasis on cottonwood trees
A Farid, D Rautenkranz, DC Goodrich, SE Marsh, S Sorooshian
Canadian Journal of Remote Sensing 32 (1), 15-18, 2006
Estimation of groundwater recharge using various methods in Neishaboor Plain, Iran
T Ahmadi, AN Ziaei, K Davary, A Faridhosseini, A Izady, A Rasoulzadeh
IAHR international groundwater symposium, 2012
Physical–chemical evaluation of groundwater quality in semi‑arid areas: case study—Sabzevar plain, Iran
G Panahi, M Hassanzadeh Eskafi, H Rahimi, A Faridhosseini, X Tang
Sustainable Water Resources Management 7 (99), 1-15, 2021
Estimation of the root-zone soil moisture using passive microwave remote sensing and SMAR Model
F Faridani, A Farid, H Ansari, S Manfreda
Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering 143 (1), 04016070, 2017
Soil moisture monitoring in Iran by implementing satellite data into the root-zone SMAR model
F Gheybi, P Paridad, F Faridani, A Farid, A Pizarro, M Fiorentino, ...
Hydrology 6 (2), 44, 2019
A modified version of the SMAR model for estimating root-zone soil moisture from time-series of surface soil moisture
F Faridani, A Farid, H Ansari, S Manfreda
Water SA 43 (3), 492-498, 2017
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مقالات 1–20