Sergio Alvarez
Sergio Alvarez
Unversity of Central Florida
بريد إلكتروني تم التحقق منه على ucf.edu
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Citrus greening disease (Huanglongbing) in Florida: economic impact, management and the potential for biological control
S Alvarez, E Rohrig, D Solís, MH Thomas
Agricultural Research 5, 109-118, 2016
A revealed preference approach to valuing non-market recreational fishing losses from the Deepwater Horizon oil spill
S Alvarez, SL Larkin, JC Whitehead, T Haab
Journal of environmental management 145, 199-209, 2014
A framework to identify destination vulnerability to hazards
S Alvarez, F Bahja, A Fyall
Tourism Management 90, 104469, 2022
Practical considerations in using bioeconomic modelling for rebuilding fisheries
SL Larkin, S Alvarez, G Sylvia, M Harte
OECD, 2011
Valuing the potential benefits of water quality improvements in watersheds affected by non-point source pollution
S Alvarez, S Asci, E Vorotnikova
Water 8 (4), 112, 2016
Optimizing provision of ecosystem services using modern portfolio theory
S Alvarez, SL Larkin, A Ropicki
Ecosystem services 27, 25-37, 2017
Valuing ecological restoration and recreational benefits in a mountain protected area: The case of Los Nevados National Park, Colombia
S Alvarez, SL Larkin
Journal of Sustainable Development 3 (4), 3, 2010
The elusive quest for valuation of coastal and marine ecosystem services
JW Milon, S Alvarez
Water 11 (7), 1518, 2019
Rapid response lowers eradication costs of invasive species
S Alvarez, D Solís
Choices 33 (4), 1-9, 2018
Heterogeneous preferences and economic values for urban forest structural and functional attributes
S Alvarez, JR Soto, FJ Escobedo, J Lai, ASMG Kibria, DC Adams
Landscape and Urban Planning 215, 104234, 2021
Estimating lost recreational use values of visitors to northwest florida due to the deepwater horizon oil spill using cancelled trip data
JC Whitehead, T Haab, SL Larkin, JB Loomis, S Alvarez, A Ropicki
Marine Resource Economics 33 (2), 119-132, 2018
Opportunities for transforming coastal and marine tourism: Towards sustainability, regeneration and resilience
E Northrop, P Schuhmann, L Burke, A Fyall, S Alvarez, A Spenceley, ...
Commissioned by the high-level panel for a sustainable ocean economy (ocean …, 2022
Stakeholder views on sustainability in an urban destination context: An inclusive path to destination competitiveness
G Panse, A Fyall, S Alvarez
International Journal of Tourism Cities 7 (4), 895-915, 2021
Non-linear impacts of harmful algae blooms on the coastal tourism economy
S Alvarez, CE Brown, MG Diaz, H O'Leary, D Solís
Journal of Environmental Management 351, 119811, 2024
The future of destination marketing organizations in the insight era
A Huang, E De la Mora Velasco, A Haney, S Alvarez
Tourism and Hospitality 3 (3), 803-808, 2022
The economic impacts of tropical cyclones on a mature destination, Florida, USA
CE Brown, S Alvarez, N Eluru, A Huang
Journal of Destination Marketing & Management 20, 100562, 2021
Valuing provision scenarios of coastal ecosystem services: the case of boat ramp closures due to harmful algae blooms in Florida
S Alvarez, F Lupi, D Solís, M Thomas
Water 11 (6), 1250, 2019
Built environment and agricultural value at risk from Hurricane Irma flooding in Florida (USA)
AJ Miller, ME Arias, S Alvarez
Natural Hazards 109 (2), 1327-1348, 2021
Estimating the benefits to Florida households from avoiding another Gulf oil spill using the contingent valuation method: Internal validity tests with probability‐based and opt …
JC Whitehead, A Ropicki, J Loomis, S Larkin, T Haab, S Alvarez
Applied economic perspectives and policy 45 (2), 705-720, 2023
Potential economic costs of invasive structural pests: conehead termites, Nasutitermes corniger, in Florida
S Alvarez
Journal of Environmental Planning and Management 59 (12), 2145-2162, 2016
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مقالات 1–20