Rebecca E. Koch
Rebecca E. Koch
أسماء أخرىRebecca E. Adrian
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
What maintains signal honesty in animal colour displays used in mate choice?
RJ Weaver, RE Koch, GE Hill
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 372 …, 2017
Mitochondrial function, ornamentation, and immunocompetence
RE Koch, CC Josefson, GE Hill
Biological Reviews 92 (3), 1459-1474, 2017
High-density lipoprotein receptor SCARB1 is required for carotenoid coloration in birds
MB Toomey, RJ Lopes, PM Araújo, JD Johnson, MA Gazda, S Afonso, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 114 (20), 5219-5224, 2017
Integrating mitochondrial aerobic metabolism into ecology and evolution
RE Koch, KL Buchanan, S Casagrande, O Crino, DK Dowling, GE Hill, ...
Trends in Ecology & Evolution 36 (4), 321-332, 2021
An assessment of techniques to manipulate oxidative stress in animals
RE Koch, GE Hill
Functional Ecology 31 (1), 9-21, 2017
Do carotenoid‐based ornaments entail resource trade-offs? An evaluation of theory and data
RE Koch, GE Hill
Functional Ecology, 2018
No evidence that carotenoid pigments boost either immune or antioxidant defenses in a songbird
RE Koch, AN Kavazis, D Hasselquist, WR Hood, Y Zhang, MB Toomey, ...
Nature communications 9 (1), 491, 2018
Extreme competence: keystone hosts of infections
LB Martin, BA Addison, AGD Bean, KL Buchanan, OL Crino, JR Eastwood, ...
Trends in Ecology & Evolution 34 (4), 303-314, 2019
Challenges and prospects for testing the mother’s curse hypothesis
DK Dowling, RE Adrian
Integrative and comparative biology 59 (4), 875-889, 2019
A mechanism for red coloration in vertebrates
MB Toomey, CI Marques, PM Araújo, D Huang, S Zhong, Y Liu, ...
Current Biology 32 (19), 4201-4214. e12, 2022
Testing the resource trade-off hypothesis for carotenoid-based signal honesty using genetic variants of the domestic canary
RE Koch, M Staley, AN Kavazis, D Hasselquist, MB Toomey, GE Hill
Journal of Experimental Biology 222 (6), jeb188102, 2019
Complex consequences of herbivory and interplant cues in three annual plants
IS Pearse, LM Porensky, LH Yang, ML Stanton, R Karban, ...
PLoS One 7 (5), e38105, 2012
The Importance of Carotenoid Dose in Supplementation Studies with Songbirds
RE Koch, AE Wilson, GE Hill
Physiological and Biochemical Zoology 89 (1), 61-71, 2016
Effects of diet on plumage coloration and carotenoid deposition in red and yellow domestic canaries (Serinus canaria)
RE Koch, KJ McGraw, GE Hill
The Wilson Journal of Ornithology 128 (2), 328-333, 2016
Formalizing the definition of meta‐analysis in Molecular Ecology
AA ArchMiller, EF Bauer, RE Koch, BK Wijayawardena, A Anil, JJ Kottwitz, ...
Molecular Ecology 24 (16), 4042-4051, 2015
Investigating female mate choice for mechanical sounds in the male Greater Sage-Grouse
RE Koch, AH Krakauer, GL Patricelli
The Auk: Ornithological Advances 132 (2), 349-358, 2015
Behavioural mating displays depend on mitochondrial function: a potential mechanism for linking behaviour to individual condition
RE Koch, GE Hill
Biological Reviews 93 (3), 1387-1398, 2018
Testosterone coordinates gene expression across different tissues to produce carotenoid-based red ornamentation
S Khalil, ED Enbody, C Frankl-Vilches, JF Welklin, RE Koch, MB Toomey, ...
Molecular Biology and Evolution 40 (4), msad056, 2023
Maternal age effects on fecundity and offspring egg‐to‐adult viability are not affected by mitochondrial haplotype
RE Koch, JM Phillips, MF Camus, DK Dowling
Ecology and evolution 8 (22), 10722-10732, 2018
Rapid Evolution of Bright Monochromatism in the Domestic Atlantic Canary (Serinus canaria)
RE Koch, GE Hill
The Wilson Journal of Ornithology 127 (4), 615-621, 2015
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مقالات 1–20