Mansour Eddaly
Mansour Eddaly
University of Gafsa && Qassim University
بريد إلكتروني تم التحقق منه على qu.edu.sa
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
An estimation of distribution algorithm for minimizing the total flowtime in permutation flowshop scheduling problems
B Jarboui, M Eddaly, P Siarry
Computers & Operations Research 36 (9), 2638-2646, 2009
A hybrid particle swarm optimization algorithm for the redundancy allocation problem
N Beji, B Jarboui, M Eddaly, H Chabchoub
Journal of Computational Science 1 (3), 159-167, 2010
Combinatorial particle swarm optimization for solving blocking flowshop scheduling problem
M Eddaly, B Jarboui, P Siarry
Journal of Computational Design and Engineering 3 (4), 295-311, 2016
A hybrid genetic algorithm for solving no-wait flowshop scheduling problems
B Jarboui, M Eddaly, P Siarry
The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 54, 1129-1143, 2011
A variable neighborhood search algorithm for the capacitated vehicle routing problem
M Amous, S Toumi, B Jarboui, M Eddaly
Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics 58, 231-238, 2017
A branch and bound enhanced genetic algorithm for scheduling a flowline manufacturing cell with sequence dependent family setup times
R Bouabda, B Jarboui, M Eddaly, A Rebaï
Computers & Operations Research 38 (1), 387-393, 2011
Branch-and-bound algorithm for solving blocking flowshop scheduling problems with makespan criterion
S Toumi, B Jarboui, M Eddaly, A Rebaï
International Journal of Mathematics in Operational Research 10 (1), 34-48, 2017
Variable neighborhood search algorithms for the permutation flowshop scheduling problem with the preventive maintenance
W Jomaa, M Eddaly, B Jarboui
Operational Research 21 (4), 2525-2542, 2021
Success factors of lean six sigma implementation in manufacturing
N Mabrouk, S Ibrahim, M Eddaly
Uncertain Supply Chain Management 9 (1), 205-216, 2021
Branch and bound algorithm for solving blocking flowshop scheduling problem with total tardiness and total weighted tardiness criteria
S Toumi, B Jarboui, M Eddaly, A Rebaï
International Journal of Operational Research 30 (4), 441-459, 2017
Dynamic assignment problem of parking slots
M Ratli, A Ait El Cadi, B Jarboui, M Eddaly
Metaheuristics for Machine Learning: New Advances and Tools, 201-223, 2022
Hierarchical production planning with flexibility in agroalimentary environment: a case study
R Erromdhani, M Eddaly, A Rebai
Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing 23 (3), 811-819, 2012
An estimation of distribution algorithm for minimizing the makespan in blocking flowshop scheduling problems
B Jarboui, M Eddaly, P Siarry, A Rebaï
Computational Intelligence in Flow Shop and Job Shop Scheduling, 151-167, 2009
Hybrid estimation of distribution algorithm for permutation flowshop scheduling problem with sequence dependent family setup times
M Eddaly, B Jarboui, R Bouabda, A Rebai
2009 International Conference on Computers & Industrial Engineering, 217-220, 2009
Metaheuristics for machine learning
M Eddaly, B Jarboui, P Siarry
Springer Nature, 2023
Variable neighborhood formulation search approach for the multi-item capacitated lot-sizing problem with time windows and setup times
R Erromdhani, B Jarboui, M Eddaly, A Rebai, N Mladenović
YUJOR 27 (3), 301-322, 2017
Lower bounds on the total tardiness and total weighted tardiness for scheduling flowshop with blocking
S Toumi, B Jarboui, M Eddaly, A Rebaï
2013 International Conference on Advanced Logistics and Transport, 296-301, 2013
An efficient branch and bound algorithm to solve the permutation flowshop scheduling problem with blocking constraints
S Toumi, B Jarboui, M Eddaly, A Rebai
2013 5th International Conference on Modeling, Simulation and Applied …, 2013
Branch and bound algorithm for solving blocking flowshop scheduling problem with total completion time
S Toumi, B Jarboui, M Eddaly, A Rebaï
2013 International Conference on Control, Decision and Information …, 2013
Hybrid genetic algorithm for bi-objective assignment problem
M Ratli, M Eddaly, B Jarboui, S Lecomte, S Hanafi
Proceedings of 2013 International Conference on Industrial Engineering and …, 2013
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مقالات 1–20