Burt Kotler
Burt Kotler
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Hazardous duty pay and the foraging cost of predation
JS Brown, BP Kotler
Ecology letters 7 (10), 999-1014, 2004
Risk of predation and the structure of desert rodent communities
BP Kotler
Ecology 65 (3), 689-701, 1984
Factors affecting gerbil foraging behavior and rates of owl predation
BP Kotler, JS Brown, O Hasson
Ecology 72 (6), 2249-2260, 1991
The effects of owl predation on the foraging behavior of heteromyid rodents
JS Brown, BP Kotler, RJ Smith, WO Wirtz
Oecologia 76, 408-415, 1988
Environmental heterogeneity and the coexistence of desert rodents
BP Kotler, JS Brown
Annual review of ecology and systematics, 281-307, 1988
Short-term apparent competition
RD Holt, BP Kotler
The American Naturalist 130 (3), 412-430, 1987
Integrating animal behavior and conservation biology: a conceptual framework
O Berger-Tal, T Polak, A Oron, Y Lubin, BP Kotler, D Saltz
Behavioral Ecology 22 (2), 236-239, 2011
Predator facilitation: the combined effect of snakes and owls on the foraging behavior of gerbils
BP Kotler, L Blaustein, JS Brown
Annales Zoologici Fennici, 199-206, 1992
Interference competition and temporal and habitat partitioning in two gerbil species
Y Ziv, Z Abramsky, BP Kotler, A Subach
Oikos, 237-246, 1993
Moonlight avoidance in gerbils reveals a sophisticated interplay among time allocation, vigilance and state-dependent foraging
BP Kotler, J Brown, S Mukherjee, O Berger-Tal, A Bouskila
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 277 (1687), 1469-1474, 2010
Foraging theory, patch use, and the structure of a Negev Desert granivore community
JS Brown, BP Kotler, WA Mitchell
Ecology 75 (8), 2286-2300, 1994
The effect of barn owls (Tyto alba) on the activity and microhabitat selection of Gerbillus allenbyi and G. pyramidum
Z Abramsky, E Strauss, A Subach, A Riechman, BP Kotler
Oecologia 105, 313-319, 1996
Habitat selection: an experimental field test with two gerbil species
Z Abramsky, ML Rosenzweig, B Pinshow, JS Brown, B Kotler, WA Mitchell
Ecology 71 (6), 2358-2369, 1990
The effects of morphology and body size on rates of owl predation on desert rodents
BP Kotler, JS Brown, RJ Smith, WO Wirtz
Oikos, 145-152, 1988
Shifting species interactions in terrestrial dryland ecosystems under altered water availability and climate change
KE McCluney, J Belnap, SL Collins, AL González, EM Hagen, ...
Biological Reviews 87 (3), 563-582, 2012
Foraging games between gerbils and their predators: temporal dynamics of resource depletion and apprehension in gerbils
BP Kotler, JS Brown, SRX Dall, S Gresser, D Ganey, A Bouskila
Evolutionary Ecology Research 4 (4), 495-518, 2002
Apprehension and time allocation in gerbils: the effects of predatory risk and energetic state
BP Kotler, JS Brown, A Bouskila
Ecology 85 (4), 917-922, 2004
Titrating food and safety in a heterogeneous environment: when are the risky and safe patches of equal value?
BP Kotler, L Blaustein
Oikos, 251-258, 1995
Mechanisms of species coexistence of optimal foragers: temporal partitioning by two species of sand dune gerbils
BP Kotler, JS Brown, A Subach
Oikos, 548-556, 1993
Oviposition habitat selection by the mosquito, Culiseta longiareolata: effects of conspecifics, food and green toad tadpoles
L Blaustein, BP Kotler
Ecological Entomology 18 (2), 104-108, 1993
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