Gavriil Xanthopoulos
Gavriil Xanthopoulos
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Landscape–wildfire interactions in southern Europe: implications for landscape management
F Moreira, O Viedma, M Arianoutsou, T Curt, N Koutsias, E Rigolot, ...
Journal of environmental management 92 (10), 2389-2402, 2011
Wildfire management in Mediterranean-type regions: paradigm change needed
F Moreira, D Ascoli, H Safford, MA Adams, JM Moreno, JMC Pereira, ...
Environmental Research Letters 15 (1), 011001, 2020
Defining extreme wildfire events: Difficulties, challenges, and impacts
F Tedim, V Leone, M Amraoui, C Bouillon, MR Coughlan, GM Delogu, ...
Fire 1 (1), 9, 2018
On the relationships between forest fires and weather conditions in Greece from long-term national observations (1894–2010)
N Koutsias, G Xanthopoulos, D Founda, F Xystrakis, F Nioti, M Pleniou, ...
International Journal of Wildland Fire 22 (4), 493-507, 2012
Analysis of forest fire fatalities in southern Europe: Spain, Portugal, Greece and Sardinia (Italy)
DM Molina-Terrén, G Xanthopoulos, M Diakakis, L Ribeiro, D Caballero, ...
International journal of wildland fire 28 (2), 85-98, 2019
A wildfire risk management concept based on a social-ecological approach in the European Union: Fire Smart Territory
F Tedim, V Leone, G Xanthopoulos
International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction 18, 138-153, 2016
Forest fires in Europe: Facts and challenges
F Tedim, G Xanthopoulos, V Leone
Wildfire hazards, risks and disasters, 77-99, 2015
A comparison of spectral angle mapper and artificial neural network classifiers combined with Landsat TM imagery analysis for obtaining burnt area mapping
GP Petropoulos, KP Vadrevu, G Xanthopoulos, G Karantounias, ...
Sensors 10 (3), 1967-1985, 2010
Forest fuels management in Europe
G Xanthopoulos, D Caballero, M Galante, D Alexandrian, E Rigolot, ...
In: Andrews, Patricia L.; Butler, Bret W., comps. 2006. Fuels Management-How …, 2006
Current wildland fire patterns and challenges in Europe: A synthesis of national perspectives
N Fernandez-Anez, A Krasovskiy, M Müller, H Vacik, J Baetens, E Hukić, ...
Air, Soil and Water Research 14, 11786221211028185, 2021
Use of unmanned vehicles in search and rescue operations in forest fires: Advantages and limitations observed in a field trial
S Karma, E Zorba, GC Pallis, G Statheropoulos, I Balta, K Mikedi, ...
International journal of disaster risk reduction 13, 307-312, 2015
A time to ignition–temperature–moisture relationship for branches of three western conifers
G Xanthopoulos, RH Wakimoto
Canadian Journal of Forest Research 23 (2), 253-258, 1993
Characterizing potential wildland fire fuel in live vegetation in the Mediterranean region
S Fares, S Bajocco, L Salvati, N Camarretta, JL Dupuy, G Xanthopoulos, ...
Annals of Forest Science 74, 1-14, 2017
Findings and implications from a coarse-scale global assessment of recent selected mega-fires
J Williams, D Albright, AA Hoffmann, A Eritsov, PF Moore, ...
Proceedings of the 5th International Wildland Fire Conference, Sun City …, 2011
Disconnected policies and actors and the missing role of spatial planning throughout the risk management cycle
K Sapountzaki, S Wanczura, G Casertano, S Greiving, G Xanthopoulos, ...
Natural Hazards 59, 1445-1474, 2011
Sensitivity and evaluation of current fire risk and future projections due to climate change: the case study of Greece
A Karali, M Hatzaki, C Giannakopoulos, A Roussos, G Xanthopoulos, ...
Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences 14 (1), 143-153, 2014
Defining extreme wildfire events: Difficulties, challenges, and impacts, Fire, 1, 9
F Tedim, V Leone, M Amraoui, C Bouillon, MR Coughlan, GM Delogu, ...
Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute, 2018
Fire hazard and flammability of European forest types
G Xanthopoulos, C Calfapietra, P Fernandes
Post-fire management and restoration of southern European forests, 79-92, 2012
Allometric equations for aboveground biomass estimation by size class for Pinus brutia Ten. trees growing in North and South Aegean Islands, Greece
D Zianis, G Xanthopoulos, K Kalabokidis, G Kazakis, D Ghosn, ...
European Journal of Forest Research 130, 145-160, 2011
Development of a wildland crown fire initiation model
G Xanthopoulos
University of Montana, 1990
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مقالات 1–20