Sandra Mortal
Sandra Mortal
بريد إلكتروني تم التحقق منه على ua.edu
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Liquidity and capital structure
ML Lipson, S Mortal
Journal of financial markets 12 (4), 611-644, 2009
Corruption, political connections, and municipal finance
AW Butler, L Fauver, S Mortal
The review of financial studies 22 (7), 2873-2905, 2009
CFO gender and financial statement irregularities
VK Gupta, S Mortal, B Chakrabarty, X Guo, DB Turban
Academy of Management Journal 63 (3), 802-831, 2020
On the scope and drivers of the asset growth effect
ML Lipson, S Mortal, MJ Schill
Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis 46 (6), 1651-1682, 2011
Do women CEOs face greater threat of shareholder activism compared to male CEOs? A role congruity perspective.
VK Gupta, S Han, SC Mortal, SD Silveri, DB Turban
Journal of Applied Psychology 103 (2), 228, 2018
The big three and board gender diversity: The effectiveness of shareholder voice
TA Gormley, VK Gupta, DA Matsa, SC Mortal, L Yang
Journal of Financial Economics 149 (2), 323-348, 2023
Stock market liquidity and the decision to repurchase
P Brockman, JS Howe, S Mortal
Journal of Corporate Finance 14 (4), 446-459, 2008
Capital allocation by public and private firms
S Mortal, N Reisel
Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis 48 (1), 77-103, 2013
You’re fired! Gender disparities in CEO dismissal
VK Gupta, SC Mortal, S Silveri, M Sun, DB Turban
Journal of Management 46 (4), 560-582, 2020
Revisiting the gender gap in CEO compensation: Replication and extension of Hill, Upadhyay, and Beekun's (2015) work on CEO gender pay gap
VK Gupta, SC Mortal, X Guo
Strategic Management Journal 39 (7), 2036-2050, 2018
Liquidity and firm characteristics: evidence from mergers and acquisitions
ML Lipson, S Mortal
Journal of Financial Markets 10 (4), 342-361, 2007
The effect of stock splits on clientele: Is tick size relevant?
ML Lipson, S Mortal
Journal of Corporate Finance 12 (5), 878-896, 2006
Why do private firms hold less cash than public firms? International evidence on cash holdings and borrowing costs
S Mortal, V Nanda, N Reisel
Journal of Banking & Finance 113, 105722, 2020
Capital structure decisions and equity market liquidity
M Lipson, S Mortal
Unpublished working paper. University of Georgia, 2004
Entrepreneurial orientation and firm value: does managerial discretion play a role?
V Gupta, SC Mortal, T Yang
Review of Managerial Science 12, 1-26, 2018
What explains the asset growth effect in stock returns?
ML Lipson, S Mortal, MJ Schill
Available at SSRN 1364324, 2009
Do firms believe in interest rate parity?
MR McBrady, S Mortal, MJ Schill
Review of Finance 14 (4), 695-726, 2010
The post-acquisition returns of stock deals: Evidence of the pervasiveness of the asset growth effect
S Mortal, MJ Schill
Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis 50 (3), 477-507, 2015
The role of firm investment in momentum and reversal
SC Mortal, MJ Schill
Journal of Empirical Finance 48, 255-278, 2018
Is there a racial gap in CEO compensation?
X Guo, VK Gupta, WE Jackson III, SC Mortal
Journal of Corporate Finance 69, 102043, 2021
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مقالات 1–20