Francisco de la Cruz
Francisco de la Cruz
Professor of Physics Centro Atomico Bariloche
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Observation of smectic and moving-Bragg-glass phases in flowing vortex lattices
F Pardo, F De La Cruz, PL Gammel, E Bucher, DJ Bishop
Nature 396 (6709), 348-350, 1998
Neutron Diffraction Studies of Flowing and Pinned Magnetic Flux Lattices in
U Yaron, PL Gammel, DA Huse, RN Kleiman, CS Oglesby, E Bucher, ...
Physical review letters 73 (20), 2748, 1994
Observation of a nonlocal conductivity in the mixed state of : Experimental evidence for a vortex line liquid
H Safar, PL Gammel, DA Huse, SN Majumdar, LF Schneemeyer, ...
Physical review letters 72 (8), 1272, 1994
Coincidence of Vortex-Lattice Melting and Loss of Vortex Correlation along the Direction in Untwinned Single Crystals
D López, EF Righi, G Nieva, F De la Cruz
Physical review letters 76 (21), 4034, 1996
Bose-Glass Phase in Twinned
SA Grigera, E Morré, E Osquiguil, C Balseiro, G Nieva, F De La Cruz
Physical review letters 81 (11), 2348, 1998
Observation of two-dimensional vortices in
H Safar, E Rodriguez, F De La Cruz, PL Gammel, LF Schneemeyer, ...
Physical Review B 46 (21), 14238, 1992
Pinned vortex liquid above the critical point of the first-order melting transition: a consequence of pointlike disorder
D López, L Krusin-Elbaum, H Safar, E Righi, F De la Cruz, S Grigera, ...
Physical review letters 80 (5), 1070, 1998
Melting of “porous” vortex matter
SS Banerjee, A Soibel, Y Myasoedov, M Rappaport, E Zeldov, ...
Physical review letters 90 (8), 087004, 2003
Flux-lattice melting, anisotropy, and the role of interlayer coupling in Bi-Sr-Ca-Cu-O single crystals
C Duran, J Yazyi, F De la Cruz, DJ Bishop, DB Mitzi, A Kapitulnik
Physical Review B 44 (14), 7737, 1991
Vortex phase diagram of -axis superconducting correlation in the different vortex phases
MF Goffman, JA Herbsommer, F De la Cruz, TW Li, PH Kes
Physical Review B 57 (6), 3663, 1998
Thermally induced change in the vortex dimensionality of yba2cu307 single crystals
F De La Cruz, D López, G Nieva
Philosophical Magazine B: Physics of Condensed Matter; Statistical Mechanics …, 1994
Dynamically induced disorder in the vortex lattice of 2H-
A Duarte, EF Righi, CA Bolle, F De La Cruz, PL Gammel, CS Oglesby, ...
Physical Review B 53 (17), 11336, 1996
Amplification of the -axis vortex correlation by twin-boundary pinning at the vortex liquid-solid phase transition
D López, EF Righi, G Nieva, F De La Cruz, WK Kwok, JA Fendrich, ...
Physical Review B 53 (14), R8895, 1996
Topological defects in the flux-line lattice and their relationship to the critical current of a type-II superconductor
F Pardo, F De La Cruz, PL Gammel, CS Oglesby, E Bucher, B Batlogg, ...
Physical review letters 78 (24), 4633, 1997
Vortex nanoliquid in high-temperature superconductors
SS Banerjee, S Goldberg, A Soibel, Y Myasoedov, M Rappaport, E Zeldov, ...
Physical review letters 93 (9), 097002, 2004
Dimensional phase transition in superconductors with short coherence length
J Guimpel, L Civale, F De La Cruz, JM Murduck, IK Schuller
Physical Review B 38 (4), 2342, 1988
First-order phase transition from the vortex liquid to an amorphous solid
M Menghini, Y Fasano, F De La Cruz, SS Banerjee, Y Myasoedov, ...
Physical review letters 90 (14), 147001, 2003
Order-disorder phase transition in  Absence of amorphous vortex matter
Y Fasano, M Menghini, F De la Cruz, Y Paltiel, Y Myasoedov, E Zeldov, ...
Physical Review B 66 (2), 020512, 2002
Superconducting parameters and size effects of aluminum films and foils
MD Maloney, F de La Cruz, M Cardona
Physical Review B 5 (9), 3558, 1972
Smith predictor based-sliding mode controller for integrating processes with elevated deadtime
O Camacho, F De la Cruz
ISA transactions 43 (2), 257-270, 2004
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مقالات 1–20