Emma García-Meca
Emma García-Meca
Full Professor Technical University of Cartagena, Spain
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Does corporate governance influence earnings management in Latin American markets?
J Sáenz González, E García-Meca
Journal of business ethics 121, 419-440, 2014
Board diversity and its effects on bank performance: An international analysis
E García-Meca, IM García-Sánchez, J Martínez-Ferrero
Journal of banking & Finance 53, 202-214, 2015
Corporate governance and earnings management: A meta‐analysis
E García‐Meca, JP Sánchez‐Ballesta
Corporate governance: an international review 17 (5), 594-610, 2009
The explanatory factors of intellectual capital disclosure to financial analysts
E García-Meca, I Parra, M Larrán, I Martínez
European accounting review 14 (1), 63-94, 2005
The association of board independence and ownership concentration with voluntary disclosure: A meta-analysis
E Garcia-Meca, JP Sanchez-Ballesta
European Accounting Review 19 (3), 603-627, 2010
Corporate governance and intellectual capital disclosure
RL Hidalgo, E García-Meca, I Martínez
Journal of business ethics 100, 483-495, 2011
A meta‐analytic vision of the effect of ownership structure on firm performance
JP Sánchez‐Ballesta, E García‐Meca
Corporate governance: An international review 15 (5), 879-892, 2007
Ownership structure, discretionary accruals and the informativeness of earnings
JP Sánchez‐Ballesta, E García‐Meca
Corporate Governance: An International Review 15 (4), 677-691, 2007
The use of intellectual capital information in investment decisions: An empirical study using analyst reports
E García-Meca, I Martínez
The International Journal of Accounting 42 (1), 57-81, 2007
Assessing the quality of disclosure on intangibles in the Spanish capital market
E García‐Meca, I Martínez
European Business Review 17 (4), 305-313, 2005
Corporate governance and its implications for sustainability reporting quality in Latin American business groups
JA Correa-Garcia, MA Garcia-Benau, E Garcia-Meca
Journal of Cleaner Production 260, 121142, 2020
Board effectiveness and cost of debt
C Lorca, JP Sánchez-Ballesta, E García-Meca
Journal of business ethics 100, 613-631, 2011
Audit qualifications and corporate governance in Spanish listed firms
J Pedro Sánchez Ballesta, E García‐Meca
Managerial Auditing Journal 20 (7), 725-738, 2005
Gender diversity, financial expertise and its effects on accounting quality
IM Garcia-Sanchez, J Martínez-Ferrero, E García-Meca
Management Decision 55 (2), 347-382, 2017
Bridging the gap between disclosure and use of intellectual capital information
E García‐Meca
Journal of Intellectual Capital 6 (3), 427-440, 2005
Influence of CEO characteristics in family firms internationalization
MC Ramón-Llorens, E García-Meca, A Duréndez
International Business Review 26 (4), 786-799, 2017
Internal corporate governance strength as a mechanism for achieving sustainable development goals
J Martínez‐Ferrero, E García‐Meca
Sustainable Development 28 (5), 1189-1198, 2020
CSR engagement and earnings quality in banks. The moderating role of institutional factors
IM García‐Sánchez, E García‐Meca
Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management 24 (2), 145-158, 2017
Institutional investors on boards and audit committees and their effects on financial reporting quality
MC Pucheta‐Martínez, E García‐Meca
Corporate Governance: An International Review 22 (4), 347-363, 2014
Does managerial ability influence the quality of financial reporting?
E García-Meca, IM García-Sánchez
European Management Journal 36 (4), 544-557, 2018
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مقالات 1–20