Simone Di Marino
Simone Di Marino
بريد إلكتروني تم التحقق منه على unige.it - الصفحة الرئيسية
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Equivalent definitions of BV space and of total variation on metric measure spaces
L Ambrosio, S Di Marino
Journal of Functional Analysis 266 (7), 4150-4188, 2014
Sobolev spaces in metric measure spaces: reflexivity and lower semicontinuity of slope
L Ambrosio, M Colombo, S Di Marino
Variational methods for evolving objects 67, 1-58, 2015
Multimarginal optimal transport maps for one–dimensional repulsive costs
M Colombo, L De Pascale, S Di Marino
Canadian Journal of Mathematics 67 (2), 350-368, 2015
An optimal transport approach for the Schrödinger bridge problem and convergence of Sinkhorn algorithm
SD Marino, A Gerolin
Journal of Scientific Computing 85 (2), 27, 2020
Optimal transportation theory with repulsive costs
S Di Marino, A Gerolin, L Nenna
Topological optimization and optimal transport 17, 204-256, 2017
On the duality between -modulus and probability measures
L Ambrosio, S Di Marino, G Savaré
Journal of the European Mathematical Society 17 (8), 1817-1853, 2015
An entropy minimization approach to second-order variational mean-field games
JD Benamou, G Carlier, S Di Marino, L Nenna
Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences 29 (08), 1553-1583, 2019
Perimeter as relaxed Minkowski content in metric measure spaces
L Ambrosio, S Di Marino, N Gigli
Nonlinear Analysis: Theory, Methods & Applications 153, 78-88, 2017
Recent advances on BV and Sobolev Spaces in metric measure spaces
S Di Marino
PhD thesis, 2014
The 𝑝-weak gradient depends on 𝑝
S Di Marino, G Speight
Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 143 (12), 5239-5252, 2015
Uniqueness issues for evolution equations with density constraints
S Di Marino, AR Mészáros
Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences 26 (09), 1761-1783, 2016
Equality between Monge and Kantorovich multimarginal problems with Coulomb cost
M Colombo, S Di Marino
Annali di Matematica Pura ed Applicata (1923-) 194, 307-320, 2015
New characterizations of Sobolev metric spaces
S Di Marino, M Squassina
Journal of Functional Analysis 276 (6), 1853-1874, 2019
Infinitesimal Hilbertianity of Locally -Spaces
S Di Marino, N Gigli, E Pasqualetto, E Soultanis
The Journal of Geometric Analysis 31, 7621-7685, 2021
The strictly-correlated electron functional for spherically symmetric systems revisited
M Seidl, S Di Marino, A Gerolin, L Nenna, KJH Giesbertz, P Gori-Giorgi
arXiv preprint arXiv:1702.05022, 2017
Measure sweeping processes
S Di Marino, B Maury, F Santambrogio
A tumor growth model of Hele-Shaw type as a gradient flow
L Chizat, S Di Marino
arXiv preprint arXiv:1712.06124, 2017
Optimal transport losses and Sinkhorn algorithm with general convex regularization
S Di Marino, A Gerolin
arXiv preprint arXiv:2007.00976, 2020
Sobolev and BV spaces on metric measure spaces via derivations and integration by parts
S Di Marino
arXiv preprint arXiv:1409.5620, 2014
The adiabatic strictly-correlated-electrons functional: kernel and exact properties
G Lani, S Di Marino, A Gerolin, R van Leeuwen, P Gori-Giorgi
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 18 (31), 21092-21101, 2016
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مقالات 1–20