Konstantinos Daniel Tsavdaridis
Konstantinos Daniel Tsavdaridis
أسماء أخرىKonstantinos Tsavdaridis, KD Tsavdaridis, K Tsavdaridis
Professor of Structural Engineering, CITY University of London
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Mapping the human genetic architecture of COVID-19
WW leaders
Nature 600 (7889), 472-477, 2021
Web buckling study of the behaviour and strength of perforated steel beams with different novel web opening shapes
KD Tsavdaridis, C D'Mello
Journal of constructional steel research 67 (10), 1605-1620, 2011
Vierendeel bending study of perforated steel beams with various novel web opening shapes through nonlinear finite-element analyses
KD Tsavdaridis, C D’Mello
Journal of Structural Engineering 138 (10), 1214-1230, 2012
The evolution of composite flooring systems: applications, testing, modelling and eurocode design approaches
IM Ahmed, KD Tsavdaridis
Journal of Constructional Steel Research 155, 286-300, 2019
Application of structural topology optimisation to perforated steel beams
KD Tsavdaridis, JJ Kingman, VV Toropov
Computers & structures 158, 108-123, 2015
Optimisation of novel elliptically-based web opening shapes of perforated steel beams
KD Tsavdaridis, C D'Mello
Journal of Constructional Steel Research 76, 39-53, 2012
Behavior of circular fiber-reinforced polymer–steel-confined concrete columns subjected to reversed cyclic loads: experimental studies and finite-element analysis
Y Wang, G Cai, Y Li, D Waldmann, A Si Larbi, KD Tsavdaridis
Journal of Structural Engineering 145 (9), 04019085, 2019
Life cycle assessment (LCA) and cost (LCC) studies of lightweight composite flooring systems
IM Ahmed, KD Tsavdaridis
Journal of Building Engineering 20, 624-633, 2018
Investigation into the mechanical properties of structural lightweight concrete reinforced with waste steel wires
K Aghaee, MA Yazdi, KD Tsavdaridis
Magazine of Concrete research 67 (4), 197-205, 2015
Neural Network-based formula for the buckling load prediction of I-section cellular steel beams
M Abambres, K Rajana, KD Tsavdaridis, TP Ribeiro
Computers 8 (1), 2, 2018
Monotonic axial compressive behaviour and confinement mechanism of square CFRP-steel tube confined concrete
Y Wang, G Cai, AS Larbi, D Waldmann, KD Tsavdaridis, J Ran
Engineering Structures 217, 110802, 2020
Evaluation of the ultimate eccentric load of rectangular CFSTs using advanced neural network modeling
PG Asteris, ME Lemonis, TT Le, KD Tsavdaridis
Engineering Structures 248, 113297, 2021
Effect of nano-alumina on pore structure and durability of Class F Fly ash self-compacting mortar
E Mohseni, KD Tsavdaridis
American journal of engineering and applied sciences 9 (2), 323-333, 2016
A comprehensive review and classification of inter-module connections for hot-rolled steel modular building systems
DA Corfar, KD Tsavdaridis
Journal of Building Engineering 50, 104006, 2022
A FE parametric study of RWS beam-to-column bolted connections with cellular beams
KD Tsavdaridis, T Papadopoulos
Journal of Constructional Steel Research 116, 92-113, 2016
Digitally enabled modular construction for promoting modular components reuse: A UK view
E Iacovidou, P Purnell, KD Tsavdaridis, K Poologanathan
Journal of Building Engineering 42, 102820, 2021
Lateral–torsional buckling resistance prediction model for steel cellular beams generated by Artificial Neural Networks (ANN)
FPV Ferreira, R Shamass, V Limbachiya, KD Tsavdaridis, CH Martins
Thin-Walled Structures 170, 108592, 2022
Discrete element modelling of masonry infilled steel frames with multiple window openings subjected to lateral load variations
V Sarhosis, KD Tsavdaridis, I Giannopoulos
The Open Construction & Building Technology Journal 8 (1), 2014
Mechanical properties of high and very high steel at elevated temperatures and after cooling down
C Maraveas, ZC Fasoulakis, KD Tsavdaridis
Fire Science Reviews 6, 1-13, 2017
Numerical evaluation on shell buckling of empty thin-walled steel tanks under wind load according to current American and European design codes
C Maraveas, GA Balokas, KD Tsavdaridis
Thin-Walled Structures 95, 152-160, 2015
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مقالات 1–20