J. Patrick A. Hettiaratchi
J. Patrick A. Hettiaratchi
Professor Emeritus of Civil Engineering (Environmental), University of Calgary
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Relation of waste generation and composition to socio-economic factors: a case study
NJGJ Bandara, JPA Hettiaratchi, SC Wirasinghe, S Pilapiiya
Environmental monitoring and assessment 135, 31-39, 2007
Methane oxidation and formation of EPS in compost: effect of oxygen concentration
JH Wilshusen, JPA Hettiaratchi, A De Visscher, R Saint-Fort
Environmental Pollution 129 (2), 305-314, 2004
Methane oxidation in three Alberta soils: influence of soil parameters and methane flux rates
VB Stein, JPA Hettiaratchi
Environmental technology 22 (1), 101-111, 2001
Long-term behavior of passively aerated compost methanotrophic biofilter columns
JH Wilshusen, JPA Hettiaratchi, VB Stein
Waste Management 24 (7), 643-653, 2004
Effects of gas and moisture on modeling of bioreactor landfill settlement
H Hettiarachchi, J Meegoda, P Hettiaratchi
Waste management 29 (3), 1018-1025, 2009
Methanotrophic activities in tropical landfill cover soils: effects of temperature, moisture content and methane concentration
C Visvanathan, D Pokhrel, W Cheimchaisri, JPA Hettiaratchi, JS Wu
Waste Management & Research 17 (4), 313-323, 1999
Integrated infrastructure systems—A review
S Saidi, L Kattan, P Jayasinghe, P Hettiaratchi, J Taron
Sustainable Cities and Society 36, 1-11, 2018
Numerical model to predict settlements coupled with landfill gas pressure in bioreactor landfills
CH Hettiarachchi, JN Meegoda, J Tavantzis, P Hettiaratchi
Journal of hazardous materials 139 (3), 514-522, 2007
Numerical model for biological oxidation and migration of methane in soils
VB Stein, JPA Hettiaratchi, G Achari
Practice Periodical of Hazardous, Toxic, and Radioactive Waste Management 5 …, 2001
Environmental impacts with waste disposal practices in a suburban municipality in Sri Lanka
NJGJ Bandara, JPA Hettiaratchi
International Journal of Environment and Waste Management 6 (1-2), 107-116, 2010
Towards developing a representative biochemical methane potential (BMP) assay for landfilled municipal solid waste–A review
LF Pearse, JP Hettiaratchi, S Kumar
Bioresource technology 254, 312-324, 2018
Effect of enzyme additions on methane production and lignin degradation of landfilled sample of municipal solid waste
PA Jayasinghe, JPA Hettiaratchi, AK Mehrotra, S Kumar
Bioresource technology 102 (7), 4633-4637, 2011
Waste-to-hydrogen technologies: A critical review of techno-economic and socio-environmental sustainability
SC Wijayasekera, K Hewage, O Siddiqui, P Hettiaratchi, R Sadiq
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 47 (9), 5842-5870, 2022
Biofiltration of methane
H La, JPA Hettiaratchi, G Achari, PF Dunfield
Bioresource technology 268, 759-772, 2018
Optimization of the waste management for construction projects using simulation
M Chandrakanthi, P Hettiaratchi, B Prado, JY Ruwanpura
Proceedings of the Winter Simulation Conference 2, 1771-1777, 2002
Determination of source strength of landfill gas: a numerical modeling approach
LAK Perera, G Achari, JPA Hettiaratchi
Journal of Environmental Engineering 128 (5), 461-471, 2002
Study of thin biocovers (TBC) for oxidizing uncaptured methane emissions in bioreactor landfills
K Perdikea, AK Mehrotra, JPA Hettiaratchi
Waste management 28 (8), 1364-1374, 2008
Solid waste characteristics and their relationship to gas production in tropical landfill
C Chiemchaisri, W Chiemchaisri, S Kumar, JPA Hettiaratchi
Environmental monitoring and assessment 135, 41-48, 2007
Thermal conductivity of leaf compost used in biofilters: An experimental and theoretical investigation
M Chandrakanthi, AK Mehrotra, JPA Hettiaratchi
Environmental Pollution 136 (1), 167-174, 2005
Waste degradation and gas production with enzymatic enhancement in anaerobic and aerobic landfill bioreactors
JPA Hettiaratchi, PA Jayasinghe, EM Bartholameuz, S Kumar
Bioresource technology 159, 433-436, 2014
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مقالات 1–20