Kirstin Greaves-Lord
Kirstin Greaves-Lord
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
The developmental course of anxiety symptoms during adolescence: The TRAILS study
FVA Van Oort, K Greaves‐Lord, FC Verhulst, J Ormel, AC Huizink
Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry 50 (10), 1209-1217, 2009
Factors influencing the probability of a diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder in girls versus boys
J Duvekot, J van der Ende, FC Verhulst, G Slappendel, E van Daalen, ...
Autism 21 (6), 646-658, 2017
Externalizing and internalizing problems in relation to autonomic function: A population-based study in preadolescents
A Dietrich, H Riese, FEPL Sondeijker, K Greaves-Lord, J ORMEL, ...
Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry 46 (3), 378-386, 2007
Higher cortisol awakening response in young adolescents with persistent anxiety problems
K Greaves‐Lord, RF Ferdinand, AJ Oldehinkel, FEPL Sondeijker, J Ormel, ...
Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica 116 (2), 137-144, 2007
Risk indicators of anxiety throughout adolescence: The TRAILS study
FVA Van Oort, K Greaves‐Lord, J Ormel, FC Verhulst, AC Huizink
Depression and anxiety 28 (6), 485-494, 2011
Psychiatric comorbidities in autism spectrum disorders: findings from a Danish Historic Birth Cohort
MW Abdallah, K Greaves-Lord, J Grove, B Nørgaard-Pedersen, ...
European child & adolescent psychiatry 20, 599-601, 2011
Determinants of physiological and perceived physiological stress reactivity in children and adolescents
BE Evans, K Greaves-Lord, AS Euser, JHM Tulen, IHA Franken, ...
PloS one 8 (4), e61724, 2013
Children with an autism spectrum disorder and their caregivers: Capturing health-related and care-related quality of life
LW Ten Hoopen, PFA de Nijs, J Duvekot, K Greaves-Lord, MHJ Hillegers, ...
Journal of autism and developmental disorders 50, 263-277, 2020
Testing the tripartite model in young adolescents: is hyperarousal specific for anxiety and not depression?
K Greaves-Lord, RF Ferdinand, FEPL Sondeijker, A Dietrich, ...
Journal of Affective Disorders 102 (1-3), 55-63, 2007
The screening accuracy of the parent and teacher-reported Social Responsiveness Scale (SRS): Comparison with the 3Di and ADOS
J Duvekot, J van der Ende, FC Verhulst, K Greaves-Lord
Journal of autism and developmental disorders 45, 1658-1672, 2015
The P300 event-related brain potential as a neurobiological endophenotype for substance use disorders: a meta-analytic investigation
AS Euser, LR Arends, BE Evans, K Greaves-Lord, AC Huizink, ...
Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews 36 (1), 572-603, 2012
Examining bidirectional effects between the autism spectrum disorder (ASD) core symptom domains and anxiety in children with ASD
J Duvekot, J van der Ende, FC Verhulst, K Greaves‐Lord
Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry 59 (3), 277-284, 2018
The association of quality of social relations, symptom severity and intelligence with anxiety in children with autism spectrum disorders
MLJM Eussen, AR Van Gool, F Verheij, PFA De Nijs, FC Verhulst, ...
Autism 17 (6), 723-735, 2013
A randomized controlled trial to examine the effects of the Tackling Teenage psychosexual training program for adolescents with autism spectrum disorder
K Visser, K Greaves‐Lord, NT Tick, FC Verhulst, A Maras, ...
Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry 58 (7), 840-850, 2017
Neonatal levels of neurotrophic factors and risk of autism spectrum disorders
MW Abdallah, EL Mortensen, K Greaves‐Lord, N Larsen, ...
Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica 128 (1), 61-69, 2013
Reduced autonomic flexibility as a predictor for future anxiety in girls from the general population: The TRAILS study
K Greaves-Lord, J Tulen, A Dietrich, F Sondeijker, A van Roon, ...
Psychiatry Research 179 (2), 187-193, 2010
Hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal axis reactivity to social stress and adolescent cannabis use: The TRAILS study
AP van Leeuwen, HE Creemers, K Greaves‐Lord, FC Verhulst, J Ormel, ...
Addiction 106 (8), 1484-1492, 2011
Improving psychosexual knowledge in adolescents with autism spectrum disorder: pilot of the tackling teenage training program
LP Dekker, EJM Van Der Vegt, K Visser, N Tick, F Boudesteijn, ...
Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders 45, 1532-1540, 2015
Amniotic fluid MMP‐9 and neurotrophins in autism spectrum disorders: an exploratory study
MW Abdallah, BD Pearce, N Larsen, K Greaves‐Lord, ...
Autism Research 5 (6), 428-433, 2012
Dynamic Interactive Social Cognition Training in Virtual Reality (DiSCoVR) for social cognition and social functioning in people with a psychotic disorder: study protocol for a …
SA Nijman, W Veling, K Greaves-Lord, RR Vermeer, M Vos, CER Zandee, ...
BMC psychiatry 19, 1-11, 2019
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مقالات 1–20