Marco Antonio Boschetti
Marco Antonio Boschetti
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Matheuristics: Optimization, simulation and control
MA Boschetti, V Maniezzo, M Roffilli, AB Röhler
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 5818, 171-177, 2009
A set partitioning approach to the crew scheduling problem
A Mingozzi, MA Boschetti, S Ricciardelli, L Bianco
Operations Research 47 (6), 873-888, 1999
The two-dimensional finite bin packing problem. Part I: New lower bounds for the oriented case
MA Boschetti, A Mingozzi
Quarterly Journal of the Belgian, French and Italian Operations Research …, 2003
The two-dimensional finite bin packing problem. Part II: New lower and upper bounds
MA Boschetti, A Mingozzi
Quarterly Journal of the Belgian, French and Italian Operations Research …, 2003
Benders decomposition, lagrangean relaxation and metaheuristic design
M Boschetti, V Maniezzo
Journal of Heuristics 15, 283-312, 2009
A cutting-plane approach for the two-dimensional orthogonal non-guillotine cutting problem
R Baldacci, MA Boschetti
European Journal of Operational Research 183 (3), 1136-1149, 2007
New upper bounds for the two‐dimensional orthogonal non‐guillotine cutting stock problem
MA Boschetti, A Mingozzi, E Hadjiconstantinou
IMA Journal of Management Mathematics 13 (2), 95-119, 2002
Algorithms for nesting with defects
R Baldacci, MA Boschetti, M Ganovelli, V Maniezzo
Discrete Applied Mathematics 163, 17-33, 2014
New lower bounds for the three-dimensional finite bin packing problem
MA Boschetti
Discrete Applied Mathematics 140 (1-3), 241-258, 2004
An exact algorithm for the two-dimensional strip-packing problem
MA Boschetti, L Montaletti
Operations research 58 (6), 1774-1791, 2010
Scatter search methods for the covering tour problem
R Baldacci, MA Boschetti, V Maniezzo, M Zamboni
Metaheuristic Optimization via Memory and Evolution: Tabu Search and Scatter …, 2005
A dual ascent procedure for the set partitioning problem
MA Boschetti, A Mingozzi, S Ricciardelli
Discrete Optimization 5 (4), 735-747, 2008
A set covering based matheuristic for a real‐world city logistics problem
M Boschetti, V Maniezzo
International Transactions in Operational Research 22 (1), 169-195, 2015
An exact algorithm for the simplified multiple depot crew scheduling problem
MA Boschetti, A Mingozzi, S Ricciardelli
Annals of Operations Research 127, 177-201, 2004
Matheuristics: using mathematics for heuristic design
MA Boschetti, V Maniezzo
4OR 20 (2), 173-208, 2022
Decomposition techniques as metaheuristic frameworks
M Boschetti, V Maniezzo, M Roffilli
Matheuristics: Hybridizing Metaheuristics and Mathematical Programming, 135-158, 2009
A Lagrangian heuristic for sprint planning in agile software development
MA Boschetti, M Golfarelli, S Rizzi, E Turricchia
Computers & Operations Research 43, 116-128, 2014
An ant approach to membership overlay design: Results on the dynamic global setting
V Maniezzo, M Boschetti, M Jelasity
International Workshop on Ant Colony Optimization and Swarm Intelligence, 37-48, 2004
Matheuristics: survey and synthesis
MA Boschetti, AN Letchford, V Maniezzo
International transactions in operational research 30 (6), 2840-2866, 2023
Route relaxations on GPU for vehicle routing problems
MA Boschetti, V Maniezzo, F Strappaveccia
European Journal of Operational Research 258 (2), 456-466, 2017
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مقالات 1–20