Sergio Valcarcel Macua
Sergio Valcarcel Macua
Senior Research Scientist @ Microsoft Research
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Imitating human behaviour with diffusion models
T Pearce, T Rashid, A Kanervisto, D Bignell, M Sun, R Georgescu, ...
International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR), 2023
Distributed policy evaluation under multiple behavior strategies
S Valcarcel Macua, J Chen, S Zazo, AH Sayed
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 2013
Consensus-based distributed principal component analysis in wireless sensor networks
S Valcarcel Macua, P Belanovic, S Zazo
IEEE International Workshop on Signal Processing Advances in Wireless …, 2010
Dynamic potential games with constraints: Fundamentals and applications in communications
S Zazo, S Valcarcel Macua, M Sánchez-Fernández, J Zazo
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 64 (14), 3806-3821, 2016
Detailed human data acquisition of kitchen activities: the CMU-multimodal activity database (CMU-MMAC)
F De la Torre, J Hodgins, J Montano, S Valcarcel Macua
Computer Human Interaction (CHI) - Workshop on Developing Shared Home …, 2009
Learning parametric closed-loop policies for Markov potential games
S Valcarcel Macua, J Zazo, S Zazo
International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR), 2018
Coordinating the crowd: Inducing desirable equilibria in non-cooperative systems
D Mguni, J Jennings, E Sison, S Valcarcel Macua, S Ceppi, ...
International Conference on Autonomous Agents and MultiAgent Systems (AAMAS …, 2019
Diff-DAC: Distributed actor-critic for average multitask deep reinforcement learning
S Valcarcel Macua, A Tukiainen, D García-Ocaña Hernández, D Baldazo, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:1710.10363, 2017
Robust worst-case analysis of demand-side management in smart grids
J Zazo, S Zazo, S Valcarcel Macua
IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, 2016
Guide to the carnegie mellon university multimodal activity (CMU-MMAC) database
F Torre, J Hodgins, J Montano, S Valcarcel, R Forcada, J Macey
Robot. Inst., Carnegie Mellon Univ., Pittsburgh, PA, USA, Tech. Rep. CMU-RI …, 2008
Underwater electromagnetic sensor networks, Part II: Localization and network simulations
J Zazo, S Valcarcel Macua, S Zazo, M Pérez, I Pérez-Álvarez, E Jiménez, ...
Sensors 16 (12), 2176, 2016
Distributed linear discriminant analysis
S Valcarcel Macua, P Belanovic, S Zazo
IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing …, 2011
How to implement doubly-stochastic matrices for consensus-based distributed algorithms
S Valcarcel Macua, C Moreno, J Samuel, S Silva, J Zazo, ...
IEEE Sensor Array and Multichannel Signal Processing Workshop (SAM), 333-336, 2014
Improved animal tracking algorithms using distributed Kalman-based filters
NI Dopico, B Bejar, S Valcarcel Macua, P Belanovic, S Zazo
European Wireless - Sustainable Wireless Technologies, 1-8, 2011
Cooperative off-policy prediction of Markov decision processes in adaptive networks
S Valcarcel Macua, J Chen, S Zazo, AH Sayed
IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing …, 2013
A new approach for solving anti-jamming games in stochastic scenarios as pursuit-evasion games
J Parras, J del Val, S Zazo, J Zazo, S Valcarcel Macua
Statistical Signal Processing Workshop (SSP), 2016 IEEE, 1-5, 2016
A new framework for solving dynamic scheduling games
S Zazo, S Valcarcel Maua, S Matilde, J Zazo
IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing …, 2015
Incentive control for multi-agent systems
D Mguni, S Ceppi, S Macua, EM DE COTE
US Patent App. 17/261,500, 2021
Distributed static linear Gaussian models using consensus
P Belanovic, S Valcarcel Macua, S Zazo
Neural Networks 34, 96-105, 2012
Diffusion gradient temporal difference for cooperative reinforcement learning with linear function approximation
S Valcarcel Macua, P Belanovic, S Zazo Bello
IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing …, 2012
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مقالات 1–20