Andrew Newsham
Andrew Newsham
SOAS, University of London
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Resilience: new utopia or new tyranny? Reflection about the potentials and limits of the concept of resilience in relation to vulnerability reduction programmes
C Béné, RG Wood, A Newsham, M Davies
IDS Working Papers 2012 (405), 1-61, 2012
Resilience, poverty and development
C Béné, A Newsham, M Davies, M Ulrichs, R Godfrey‐Wood
Journal of international development 26 (5), 598-623, 2014
Beyond technical fixes: Climate solutions and the great derangement
AJ Nightingale, S Eriksen, M Taylor, T Forsyth, M Pelling, A Newsham, ...
Climate and development 12 (4), 343-352, 2020
Knowledge exchange: a review and research agenda for environmental management
I Fazey, AC Evely, MS Reed, LC Stringer, J Kruijsen, PCL White, ...
Environmental Conservation 40 (1), 19-36, 2013
A sustainable livelihoods framework for the 21st century
N Natarajan, A Newsham, J Rigg, D Suhardiman
World Development 155, 105898, 2022
Promoting resilient livelihoods through adaptive social protection: Lessons from 124 programmes in South Asia
M Davies, C Béné, A Arnall, T Tanner, A Newsham, C Coirolo
Development policy review 31 (1), 27-58, 2013
Knowing, farming and climate change adaptation in North-Central Namibia
AJ Newsham, DSG Thomas
Global Environmental Change 21 (2), 761-770, 2011
Climate policy meets national development contexts: Insights from Kenya and Mozambique
LO Naess, P Newell, A Newsham, J Phillips, J Quan, T Tanner
Global Environmental Change 35, 534-544, 2015
Meteorologists meeting rainmakers: indigenous knowledge and climate policy processes in Kenya
P Guthiga, A Newsham
IDS Bulletin 42 (3), 104-109, 2011
Agricultural adaptation, local knowledge and livelihoods diversification in North-Central Namibia
A Newsham, D Thomas
Tyndall Centre for Climate Change Research Working Paper 140, 2009
Promoting climate-resilient livelihoods through adaptive social protection: the case of the agricultural sector in South Asia
M Davies, C Béné, A Arnall, A Newsham
International Conference:‘Social Protection for Social Justice’. Institute …, 2011
Climate change & food security vulnerability assessment: toolkit for assessing community-level potential for adaptation to climate change.
M Ulrichs, T Cannon, A Newsham, LO Naess, M Marshall
Conservation and development
A Newsham, S Bhagwat
Routledge, 2015
Ecosystems-based adaptation: Are we being conned? Evidence from Mexico
A Newsham, MT Pulido, M Ulrichs, RM Cruz, XC Ocón, A Shankland, ...
Global environmental change 49, 14-26, 2018
Agriculture and climate change in Kenya: climate chaos, policy dilemmas
I Maina, A Newsham, M Okoti
Future Agricultures 70, 2013
Making the most of resilience
C Béné, A Newsham, M Davies
IDS In Focus Policy Briefings, 2013
Agriculture and climate change in Kenya: Climate chaos
I Maina, A Newsham, M Okoti
policy dilemmas. Working Paper 70, 16, 2013
Knowing and deciding: Participation in conservation and development initiatives in Namibia and Argentina
A Newsham
Participation: process, problematics and CAMPFIRE
A Newsham
Edinburgh University, Centre of African Studies, 2002
Carbon forestry and climate compatible development in Mozambique: a political economy analysis
J Quan, L Otto Naess, A Newsham, A Sitoe, M Corral Fernandez
The Institute of Development Studies and Partner Organisations, 2014
يتعذر على النظام إجراء العملية في الوقت الحالي. عاود المحاولة لاحقًا.
مقالات 1–20