Li Cai (蔡力)
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Using heteroskedasticity-consistent standard error estimators in OLS regression: An introduction and software implementation
AF Hayes, L Cai
Behavior research methods 39, 709-722, 2007
IRTPRO: Flexible, multidimensional, multiple categorical IRT modeling [Computer software]
L Cai, SHC Du Toit, D Thissen
Chicago, IL: Scientific Software International, 2011
The peer context of adolescent substance use: Findings from social network analysis
ST Ennett, KE Bauman, A Hussong, R Faris, VA Foshee, L Cai, ...
Journal of research on adolescence 16 (2), 159-186, 2006
flexMIRT®: Flexible multilevel multidimensional item analysis and test scoring (version 3.0)
CR Houts, L Cai
Chapel Hill, NC: Vector Psychometric Group, 2015
Testing differences between nested covariance structure models: Power analysis and null hypotheses.
RC MacCallum, MW Browne, L Cai
Psychological Methods 11 (1), 19, 2006
High-dimensional exploratory item factor analysis by a Metropolis–Hastings Robbins–Monro algorithm
L Cai
Psychometrika 75 (1), 33-57, 2010
Metropolis-Hastings Robbins-Monro algorithm for confirmatory item factor analysis
L Cai
Journal of Educational and Behavioral Statistics 35 (3), 307, 2010
A two-tier full-information item factor analysis model with applications
L Cai
Psychometrika, 1-32, 2010
Generalized full-information item bifactor analysis.
L Cai, JS Yang, M Hansen
American Psychological Association, 2011
The social ecology of adolescent alcohol misuse
ST Ennett, VA Foshee, KE Bauman, A Hussong, L Cai, HLMN Reyes, ...
Child development 79 (6), 1777-1791, 2008
Limited‐information goodness‐of‐fit testing of hierarchical item factor models
L Cai, M Hansen
British Journal of Mathematical and Statistical Psychology 66 (2), 245-276, 2013
The Langer-improved Wald test for DIF testing with multiple groups: Evaluation and comparison to two-group IRT
CM Woods, L Cai, M Wang
Educational and Psychological Measurement 73 (3), 532-547, 2013
Limited‐information goodness‐of‐fit testing of item response theory models for sparse 2P tables
L Cai, A Maydeu‐Olivares, DL Coffman, D Thissen
British Journal of Mathematical and Statistical Psychology 59 (1), 173-194, 2006
Pooling data from multiple longitudinal studies: The role of item response theory in integrative data analysis.
PJ Curran, AM Hussong, L Cai, W Huang, L Chassin, KJ Sher, RA Zucker
Developmental psychology 44 (2), 365, 2008
On the complexity of item response theory models
W Bonifay, L Cai
Multivariate behavioral research 52 (4), 465-484, 2017
Peer smoking, other peer attributes, and adolescent cigarette smoking: A social network analysis
ST Ennett, R Faris, J Hipp, VA Foshee, KE Bauman, A Hussong, L Cai
Prevention Science 9 (2), 88-98, 2008
Item response theory
L Cai, K Choi, M Hansen, L Harrell
Annual Review of Statistics and Its Application 3 (1), 297-321, 2016
SEM of another flavour: Two new applications of the supplemented EM algorithm
L Cai
British Journal of Mathematical and Statistical Psychology 61 (2), 309-329, 2008
A flexible full-information approach to the modeling of response styles.
CF Falk, L Cai
Psychological methods 21 (3), 328, 2016
The nominal categories item response model
D Thissen, L Cai, RD Bock
Handbook of polytomous item response theory models, 43-75, 2011
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مقالات 1–20