Introduction to rubrics: An assessment tool to save grading time, convey effective feedback, and promote student learning DD Stevens Routledge, 2023 | 1596 | 2023 |
Making strategies and self-talk visible: Writing instruction in regular and special education classrooms CS Englert, TE Raphael, LM Anderson Helene M. Anthony, DD Stevens American educational research journal 28 (2), 337-372, 1991 | 738 | 1991 |
Tenure in the sacred grove: Issues and strategies for women and minority faculty JE Cooper, DD Stevens State University of New York Press, 2002 | 173 | 2002 |
Examining the context of strategy instruction AS Palincsar, YM David, JA Winn, DD Stevens Remedial and Special Education 12 (3), 43-53, 1991 | 124 | 1991 |
Collaborating with teachers in the interest of student collaboration AS Palincsar, DD Stevens, JR Gavelek International Journal of Educational Research 13 (1), 41-53, 1989 | 102 | 1989 |
Classroom task environments and students' task-related beliefs LM Anderson, DD Stevens, RS Prawat, J Nickerson The Elementary School Journal 88 (3), 281-295, 1988 | 93 | 1988 |
Glass, bug, mud KJ Grimes, DD Stevens Phi Delta Kappan 90 (9), 677-680, 2009 | 80 | 2009 |
Bridging in‐class participation with innovative instruction: use and implications in a Turkish university classroom KZ Girgin*, DD Stevens Innovations in Education and Teaching International 42 (1), 93-106, 2005 | 80 | 2005 |
Mentoring through reflective journal writing: A qualitative study by a mentor/professor and two international graduate students DD Stevens, S Emil, M Yamashita Reflective Practice 11 (3), 347-367, 2010 | 72 | 2010 |
Engaging ideas: The professor's guide to integrating writing JC Bean Critical Thinking, 2011 | 68 | 2011 |
The ideal, real and surreal in school–university partnerships: Reflections of a boundary spanner DD Stevens Teaching and Teacher Education 15 (3), 287-299, 1999 | 66 | 1999 |
Journal keeping: How to use reflective writing for learning, teaching, professional insight and positive change DD Stevens, JE Cooper Taylor & Francis, 2023 | 65 | 2023 |
“I’m in a Professional School! Why Are You Making Me Do This?” A Cross-Disciplinary Study of the Use of Creative Classroom Projects on Student Learning C Reynolds, DD Stevens, E West College Teaching 61 (2), 51-59, 2013 | 48 | 2013 |
Leveling the field: Using Rubrics to achieve greater equity in teaching and grading DD Stevens, A Levi Essays on Teaching Excellence, 2005 | 41 | 2005 |
Making writing strategies and self-talk visible: Cognitive strategy instruction in writing CS Englert, TE Raphael, LM Anderson, DD Stevens, HM Anthony American Educational Research Journal 28, 337-373, 1991 | 35 | 1991 |
Variable Data Sources in Teacher Evaluation. KD Peterson, D Stevens, RC Ponzio Journal of Research and Development in Education 31 (3), 123-32, 1998 | 34 | 1998 |
Student reports for school teacher evaluation KD Peterson, D Stevens Journal of Personnel Evaluation in Education 2 (1), 19-31, 1988 | 33 | 1988 |
The journey toward tenure JE Cooper, DD Stevens Tenure in the sacred grove: Issues and strategies for women and minority …, 2002 | 32 | 2002 |
Fostering master's students' metacognition and self-regulation practices for research writing LM Santelmann, DD Stevens, SB Martin College Teaching 66 (3), 111-123, 2018 | 31 | 2018 |
大学教員のためのルーブリック評価入門 DD Stevens, AJ Levi, 佐藤浩章, 井上敏憲, 俣野秀典 玉川大学出版部, 2014 | 29 | 2014 |