Odessa Petit dit Dariel
Odessa Petit dit Dariel
Lecturer/Researcher in the Management Institute , Ecoles des Hautes Etudes en Santé Publique
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Developing the Serious Games potential in nursing education
OJP dit Dariel, T Raby, F Ravaut, M Rothan-Tondeur
Nurse education today 33 (12), 1569-1575, 2013
Exploring the underlying factors influencing e‐learning adoption in nurse education
O Petit dit Dariel, H Wharrad, R Windle
Journal of Advanced Nursing, 2012
Exploring the underlying factors influencing e-learning adoption in nurse education.
H Wharrad, R Windle
Do Magnet®-accredited hospitals show improvements in nurse and patient outcomes compared to non-Magnet hospitals: a systematic review
OP dit Dariel, JP Regnaux
JBI Evidence Synthesis 13 (6), 168-219, 2015
A meta-ethnographic review of interprofessional teamwork in hospitals: what it is and why it doesn’t happen more often
O Petit dit Dariel, P Cristofalo
Journal of health services research & policy 23 (4), 272-279, 2018
Using Bourdieu's theory of practice to understand ICT use amongst nurse educators
O Petit-dit-Dariel, H Wharrad, R Windle
Nurse education today 34 (11), 1368-1374, 2014
Developing Q-methodology to explore staff views toward the use of technology in nurse education.
H Wharrad, R Windle
Nurse Researcher 18 (1), 58-71, 2010
O.(2009)." Nursing education: in pursuit of cosmopolitanism."
P dit Dariel
Nurse Education Today 29 (5), 566-569, 0
Undergraduate nursing education reform in France: from vocational to academic programmes
C Debout, F Chevallier‐Darchen, O Petit dit Dariel, M Rothan‐Tondeur
International Nursing Review, 2012
Trends in nursing research in F rance: a cross‐sectional analysis
CM Dupin, K Chami, O Petit Dit Dariel, C Debout, M Rothan‐Tondeur
International nursing review 60 (2), 258-266, 2013
Conceptions of learning research: Variations amongst French and Swedish nurses. A phenomenographic study
CM Dupin, M Larsson, O Dariel, C Debout, M Rothan-Tondeur
Nurse Education Today 35 (1), 73-79, 2015
Mandatory internal mobility in French hospitals: the results of imposed management practices
E van Schingen, O Dariel, H Lefebvre, MP Challier, M Rothan‐Tondeur
Journal of Nursing Management 25 (1), 4-12, 2017
France's transition to academic nursing: The theory-practice gap
OPD Dariel, M Waelli, TC Ricketts
Journal of Nursing Education and Practice 4 (10), 88, 2014
How does social innovation cross borders? Exploring the diffusion process of an alternative homecare service in France
P Cristofalo, O Dariel, V Durand
Journal of Innovation Economics & Management 30 (3), 59-88, 2019
La methode Q, une approche innovante pour la recherche infirmiere
O Dariel
Elsevier Masson, 2013
Travail en équipe et autonomie collective: une expérience dans les soins infirmiers à domicile
P Cristofalo, O Dariel
Santé publique 33 (4), 527-536, 2021
La fabrique du travail en équipe dans les établissements de santé
P Cristofalo, OP dit Dariel, É Minvielle
Journal de gestion et d'économie de la santé 3 (3), 259-282, 2019
Exploring e-learning adoption in nurse education: A socio-cultural case study using Q and Bourdieu
OP dit Dariel
University of Nottingham, 2011
5. La qualité de vie au travail: un levier sous-estimé de la performance
P Cristofalo, OP dit Dariel, C Routelous
Manager une organisation de santé, 99-119, 2018
L’empowerment structurel des hôpitaux «magnétiques» est-il concevable en France?
OPD Dariel
Revue francophone internationale de recherche infirmière 1 (4), 197-204, 2015
يتعذر على النظام إجراء العملية في الوقت الحالي. عاود المحاولة لاحقًا.
مقالات 1–20