David Prytherch
David Prytherch
Professor, School of Computing, University of Portsmouth
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
The ability of the National Early Warning Score (NEWS) to discriminate patients at risk of early cardiac arrest, unanticipated intensive care unit admission, and death
GB Smith, DR Prytherch, P Meredith, PE Schmidt, PI Featherstone
Resuscitation 84 (4), 465-470, 2013
POSSUM and Portsmouth POSSUM for predicting mortality
DR Prytherch, MS Whiteley, B Higgins, PC Weaver, WG Prout, SJ Powell
Journal of British Surgery 85 (9), 1217-1220, 1998
A comparison of antecedents to cardiac arrests, deaths and emergency intensive care admissions in Australia and New Zealand, and the United Kingdom—the ACADEMIA study
J Kause, G Smith, D Prytherch, M Parr, A Flabouris, K Hillman
Resuscitation 62 (3), 275-282, 2004
ViEWS—towards a national early warning score for detecting adult inpatient deterioration
DR Prytherch, GB Smith, PE Schmidt, PI Featherstone
Resuscitation 81 (8), 932-937, 2010
An evaluation of the POSSUM surgical scoring system
MS Whiteley, DR Prytherch, B Higgins, PC Weaver, WG Prout
Journal of British Surgery 83 (6), 812-815, 1996
What impact does nursing care left undone have on patient outcomes? Review of the literature
A Recio‐Saucedo, C Dall'Ora, A Maruotti, J Ball, J Briggs, P Meredith, ...
Journal of clinical nursing 27 (11-12), 2248-2259, 2018
Development of a dedicated risk-adjustment scoring system for colorectal surgery (colorectal POSSUM)
PP Tekkis, DR Prytherch, HM Kocher, A Senapati, JD Poloniecki, ...
Journal of British Surgery 91 (9), 1174-1182, 2004
Review and performance evaluation of aggregate weighted ‘track and trigger’systems
GB Smith, DR Prytherch, PE Schmidt, PI Featherstone
Resuscitation 77 (2), 170-179, 2008
Mortality of emergency abdominal surgery in high-, middle-and low-income countries
Journal of British Surgery 103 (8), 971-988, 2016
Hospital-wide physiological surveillance–a new approach to the early identification and management of the sick patient
GB Smith, DR Prytherch, P Schmidt, PI Featherstone, D Knight, ...
Resuscitation 71 (1), 19-28, 2006
A review, and performance evaluation, of single-parameter “track and trigger” systems
GB Smith, DR Prytherch, PE Schmidt, PI Featherstone, B Higgins
Resuscitation 79 (1), 11-21, 2008
Comparison of P-POSSUM risk-adjusted mortality rates after surgery between patients in the USA and the UK
E Bennett-Guerrero, JA Hyam, S Shaefi, DR Prytherch, GL Sutton, ...
Journal of British Surgery 90 (12), 1593-1598, 2003
Patterns in the recording of vital signs and early warning scores: compliance with a clinical escalation protocol
C Hands, E Reid, P Meredith, GB Smith, DR Prytherch, PE Schmidt, ...
BMJ quality & safety 22 (9), 719-726, 2013
Health technology assessment review: Remote monitoring of vital signs-current status and future challenges
V Nangalia, DR Prytherch, GB Smith
Critical Care 14, 1-8, 2010
Risk-adjusted prediction of operative mortality in oesophagogastric surgery with O-POSSUM
PP Tekkis, P McCulloch, JD Poloniecki, DR Prytherch, N Kessaris, ...
Journal of British Surgery 91 (3), 288-295, 2004
A comparison of the ability of the National Early Warning Score and the National Early Warning Score 2 to identify patients at risk of in-hospital mortality: A multi-centre …
MAF Pimentel, OC Redfern, S Gerry, GS Collins, J Malycha, D Prytherch, ...
Resuscitation 134, 147-156, 2019
Calculating early warning scores—a classroom comparison of pen and paper and hand-held computer methods
DR Prytherch, GB Smith, P Schmidt, PI Featherstone, K Stewart, D Knight, ...
Resuscitation 70 (2), 173-178, 2006
Portsmouth POSSUM models for abdominal aortic aneurysm surgery
DR Prytherch, GL Sutton, JR Boyle
British journal of surgery 88 (7), 958-963, 2001
Impact of introducing an electronic physiological surveillance system on hospital mortality
PE Schmidt, P Meredith, DR Prytherch, D Watson, V Watson, RM Killen, ...
BMJ quality & safety 24 (1), 10-20, 2015
The national early warning score 2 (NEWS2)
GB Smith, OC Redfern, MAF Pimentel, S Gerry, GS Collins, J Malycha, ...
Clinical Medicine 19 (3), 260, 2019
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مقالات 1–20