Delphine Steinbach
Delphine Steinbach
GQE-Le Moulon
بريد إلكتروني تم التحقق منه على moulon.inra.fr
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Genome sequence of the metazoan plant-parasitic nematode Meloidogyne incognita
P Abad, J Gouzy, JM Aury, P Castagnone-Sereno, EGJ Danchin, ...
Nature biotechnology 26 (8), 909-915, 2008
The BioMart community portal: an innovative alternative to large, centralized data repositories
D Smedley, S Haider, S Durinck, L Pandini, P Provero, J Allen, O Arnaiz, ...
Nucleic acids research 43 (W1), W589-W598, 2015
Linking the International Wheat Genome Sequencing Consortium bread wheat reference genome sequence to wheat genetic and phenomic data
M Alaux, J Rogers, T Letellier, R Flores, F Alfama, C Pommier, N Mohellibi, ...
Genome biology 19, 1-10, 2018
Decoding the oak genome: public release of sequence data, assembly, annotation and publication strategies
C Plomion, JM Aury, J Amselem, T Alaeitabar, V Barbe, C Belser, ...
Molecular ecology resources 16 (1), 254-265, 2016
Wheat syntenome unveils new evidences of contrasted evolutionary plasticity between paleo‐and neoduplicated subgenomes
C Pont, F Murat, S Guizard, R Flores, S Foucrier, Y Bidet, UM Quraishi, ...
The Plant Journal 76 (6), 1030-1044, 2013
Shared subgenome dominance following polyploidization explains grass genome evolutionary plasticity from a seven protochromosome ancestor with 16K protogenes
F Murat, R Zhang, S Guizard, R Flores, A Armero, C Pont, D Steinbach, ...
Genome biology and evolution 6 (1), 12-33, 2014
GnpIS: an information system to integrate genetic and genomic data from plants and fungi
D Steinbach, M Alaux, J Amselem, N Choisne, S Durand, R Flores, ...
Database 2013, 2013
Applying FAIR principles to plant phenotypic data management in GnpIS
C Pommier, C Michotey, G Cornut, P Roumet, E Duchêne, R Flores, ...
Plant Phenomics, 2019
Karyotype and gene order evolution from reconstructed extinct ancestors highlight contrasts in genome plasticity of modern rosid crops
F Murat, R Zhang, S Guizard, H Gavranović, R Flores, D Steinbach, ...
Genome biology and evolution 7 (3), 735-749, 2015
Detection of non-coding RNA in bacteria and archaea using the DETR’PROK Galaxy pipeline
C Toffano-Nioche, Y Luo, C Kuchly, C Wallon, D Steinbach, M Zytnicki, ...
Methods 63 (1), 60-65, 2013
transPLANT resources for Triticeae genomic data
M Spannagl, M Alaux, M Lange, DM Bolser, KC Bader, T Letellier, ...
The Plant Genome 9 (1), plantgenome2015.06.0038, 2016
SHiNeMaS: a web tool dedicated to seed lots history, phenotyping and cultural practices
Y De Oliveira, L Burlot, JC Dawson, I Goldringer, D Madi, P Rivière, ...
Plant Methods 16, 1-9, 2020
GnpIS-Asso: A Generic Database for Managing and Exploiting Plant Genetic Association Studies Results Using High Throughput Genotyping and Phenotyping Data
D Steinbach, G Merceron, C Michotey, RG Flores, N Mohellibi, C Pommier, ...
23. Plant and Animal Genome, np, 2015
BioMercator: A complete framework to integrate QTL, meta-QTL, genome annotation and genome-wide association studies
Y De Oliveira, L Ait-Braham, J Joets, C Mabire, S Negro, S Nicolas, ...
5ieme meeting annuel d’AMAIZING, 2016
Mining plant genomic and genetic data using the GnpIS information system
AF Adam-Blondon, M Alaux, S Durand, T Letellier, G Merceron, ...
Plant Genomics Databases: Methods and Protocols, 103-117, 2016
BioMercator: Un logiciel dédié à la compilation de cartes génétiques et la meta-analyse de QTLs
O Sosnowski, Y De Oliveira, L Moreau, A Charcosset, J Joets, V Jorge, ...
SHiNeMaS: A database and its web interfaces dedicated to seed lots history, phenotyping and cultural practices
Y De Oliveira, L Burlot, I Goldringer, D Madi, P Rivière, D Steinbach, ...
XXVIIIth Plant and Animal Genome Conference (PAG 2019), 2019
Research Article Applying FAIR Principles to Plant Phenotypic Data Management in GnpIS
C Pommier, C Michotey, G Cornut, P Roumet, E Duchêne, R Flores, ...
Forest tree GnpIS: an information system dedicated to forest tree genetics, genomics and phenomics
C Michotey, C Anger, F Ehrenmann, O Rogier, VV Jorge, C Bastien, ...
IUFRO Genomics and Forest Tree Genetics, 2016
BreedWheat genotyping and phenotyping data in GnpIS information system
M Laine, T Letellier, RGRG Flores, L Couderc, N Mohellibi, C Pommier, ...
JOBIM 2015-Journées Ouvertes Biologie Informatique Mathématiques, 2015
يتعذر على النظام إجراء العملية في الوقت الحالي. عاود المحاولة لاحقًا.
مقالات 1–20