Peter Weiss-Penzias
Peter Weiss-Penzias
Lecturer and Researcher, University of California, Santa Cruz
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Export of atmospheric mercury from Asia
D Jaffe, E Prestbo, P Swartzendruber, P Weiss-Penzias, S Kato, A Takami, ...
Atmospheric Environment 39 (17), 3029-3038, 2005
Long‐range transport of Asian pollution to the northeast Pacific: Seasonal variations and transport pathways of carbon monoxide
Q Liang, L Jaeglé, DA Jaffe, P Weiss‐Penzias, A Heckman, JA Snow
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 109 (D23), 2004
Observations of Asian air pollution in the free troposphere at Mount Bachelor Observatory during the spring of 2004
P Weiss‐Penzias, DA Jaffe, P Swartzendruber, JB Dennison, D Chand, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 111 (D10), 2006
Observations of reactive gaseous mercury in the free troposphere at the Mount Bachelor Observatory
PC Swartzendruber, DA Jaffe, EM Prestbo, P Weiss‐Penzias, NE Selin, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 111 (D24), 2006
Quantifying Asian and biomass burning sources of mercury using the Hg/CO ratio in pollution plumes observed at the Mount Bachelor Observatory
P Weiss-Penzias, D Jaffe, P Swartzendruber, W Hafner, D Chand, ...
Atmospheric Environment 41 (21), 4366-4379, 2007
An updated review of atmospheric mercury
SN Lyman, I Cheng, LE Gratz, P Weiss-Penzias, L Zhang
Science of the Total Environment 707, 135575, 2020
Gaseous elemental mercury in the marine boundary layer: Evidence for rapid removal in anthropogenic pollution
P Weiss-Penzias, DA Jaffe, A McClintick, EM Prestbo, MS Landis
Environmental Science & Technology 37 (17), 3755-3763, 2003
Trends in mercury wet deposition and mercury air concentrations across the US and Canada
PS Weiss-Penzias, DA Gay, ME Brigham, MT Parsons, MS Gustin, ...
Science of the Total Environment 568, 546-556, 2016
Comparison of gaseous oxidized Hg measured by KCl-coated denuders, and nylon and cation exchange membranes
J Huang, MB Miller, P Weiss-Penzias, MS Gustin
Environmental science & technology 47 (13), 7307-7316, 2013
Nested-grid simulation of mercury over North America
Y Zhang, L Jaegle, A Van Donkelaar, RV Martin, CD Holmes, HM Amos, ...
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 12 (14), 6095-6111, 2012
Top-down constraints on atmospheric mercury emissions and implications for global biogeochemical cycling
S Song, NE Selin, AL Soerensen, H Angot, R Artz, S Brooks, EG Brunke, ...
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 15 (12), 7103-7125, 2015
Fog water collection effectiveness: Mesh intercomparisons
DM Fernandez, A Torregrosa, PS Weiss-Penzias, BJ Zhang, D Sorensen, ...
Aerosol and Air Quality Research 18 (1), 270-283, 2018
Progress on understanding atmospheric mercury hampered by uncertain measurements
DA Jaffe, S Lyman, HM Amos, MS Gustin, J Huang, NE Selin, L Levin, ...
Environmental science & technology 48 (13), 7204-7206, 2014
Sources and budgets for CO and O3 in the northeastern Pacific during the spring of 2001: Results from the PHOBEA‐II Experiment
L Jaeglé, DA Jaffe, HU Price, P Weiss‐Penzias, PI Palmer, MJ Evans, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 108 (D20), 2003
Observations of speciated atmospheric mercury at three sites in Nevada: Evidence for a free tropospheric source of reactive gaseous mercury
P Weiss‐Penzias, MS Gustin, SN Lyman
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 114 (D14), 2009
Reactive and particulate mercury in the Asian marine boundary layer
D Chand, D Jaffe, E Prestbo, PC Swartzendruber, W Hafner, ...
Atmospheric Environment 42 (34), 7988-7996, 2008
Total and monomethyl mercury in fog water from the central California coast
PS Weiss‐Penzias, C Ortiz Jr, RP Acosta, W Heim, JP Ryan, D Fernandez, ...
Geophysical Research Letters 39 (3), 2012
The estimated six-year mercury dry deposition across North America
L Zhang, Z Wu, I Cheng, LP Wright, ML Olson, DA Gay, MR Risch, ...
Environmental Science & Technology 50 (23), 12864-12873, 2016
Photoproduction of carbonyl sulfide in South Pacific Ocean waters as a function of irradiation wavelength
PS Weiss, SS Andrews, JE Johnson, OC Zafiriou
Geophysical Research Letters 22 (3), 215-218, 1995
Reevaluation of the open ocean source of carbonyl sulfide to the atmosphere
PS Weiss, JE Johnson, RH Gammon, TS Bates
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 100 (D11), 23083-23092, 1995
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مقالات 1–20