Jaewon Choi
Jaewon Choi
Professor, Department of Economics, Seoul National University
بريد إلكتروني تم التحقق منه على snu.ac.kr - الصفحة الرئيسية
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Reaching for yield in corporate bond mutual funds
J Choi, M Kronlund
The Review of Financial Studies 31 (5), 1930-1965, 2018
The volatility of a firm's assets and the leverage effect
J Choi, M Richardson
Journal of Financial Economics 121 (2), 254-277, 2016
Corporate debt maturity profiles
J Choi, D Hackbarth, J Zechner
Journal of financial economics 130 (3), 484-502, 2018
Corporate bond mutual funds and asset fire sales
J Choi, S Hoseinzade, SS Shin, H Tehranian
Journal of Financial Economics 138 (2), 432-457, 2020
Customer liquidity provision: Implications for corporate bond transaction costs
J Choi, Y Huh, S Seunghun Shin
Management Science 70 (1), 187-206, 2024
Anomalies and market (dis) integration
J Choi, Y Kim
Journal of Monetary Economics 100, 16-34, 2018
What drives the value premium?: The role of asset risk and leverage
J Choi
The Review of Financial Studies 26 (11), 2845-2875, 2013
Granularity of corporate debt
J Choi, D Hackbarth, J Zechner
Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis 56 (4), 1127-1162, 2021
Dealer liquidity provision and the breakdown of the law of one price: Evidence from the CDS–bond basis
J Choi, O Shachar, SS Shin
Management Science 65 (9), 4100-4122, 2019
Green bonds: a survey
C Cheong, J Choi
Journal of Derivatives and Quantitative Studies: 선물연구 28 (4), 175-189, 2020
Sitting bucks: Stale pricing in fixed income funds
J Choi, M Kronlund, JYJ Oh
Journal of Financial Economics 145 (2), 296-317, 2022
Mutual fund flows and fluctuations in credit and business cycles
A Ben-Rephael, J Choi, I Goldstein
Journal of Financial Economics 139 (1), 84-108, 2021
Natural disasters and municipal bonds
JK Auh, J Choi, T Deryugina, T Park
National Bureau of Economic Research, 2022
Mutual fund flows and the supply of capital in municipal financing
M Adelino, SC Cheong, J Choi, JYJ Oh
National Bureau of Economic Research, 2023
A first glimpse into the short side of hedge funds
J Choi, JM Park, ND Pearson, S Sandy
Unpublished working paper. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2017
Reaching for yield and the cross section of bond returns
Q Chen, J Choi
Management Science 70 (8), 5226-5245, 2024
Capital structure priority effects in durations, stock-bond comovements, and factor pricing models
J Choi, M Richardson, RF Whitelaw
The Review of Asset Pricing Studies 12 (3), 706-753, 2022
Investor demand, firm investment, and capital misallocation
J Choi, X Tian, Y Wu, M Kargar
Working paper, 2023
Why Have Actively Managed Bond Funds Remained Popular?
J Choi, M Cremers, TB Riley
Why Have Actively Managed Bond Funds Remained Popular?: Choi, Jaewon …, 2021
Bond funds and credit risk
J Choi, A Dasgupta, JYJ Oh
European Corporate Governance Institute–Finance Working Paper, 2019
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مقالات 1–20