YueYue Fan
YueYue Fan
بريد إلكتروني تم التحقق منه على ucdavis.edu
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Open System for Earthquake Engineering Simulation
F McKenna
University of California, 2000
Multistage optimization of the supply chains of biofuels
Y Huang, CW Chen, Y Fan
Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review 46 (6 …, 2010
Bioethanol supply chain system planning under supply and demand uncertainties
CW Chen, Y Fan
Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review 48 (1 …, 2012
A two-stage stochastic programming model for transportation network protection
C Liu, Y Fan, F Ordóñez
Computers & Operations Research 36 (5), 1582-1590, 2009
Arriving on time
YY Fan, RE Kalaba, JE Moore
Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications 127, 497-513, 2005
The fuel-travel-back approach to hydrogen station siting
Z Lin, J Ogden, Y Fan, CW Chen
International journal of hydrogen energy 33 (12), 3096-3101, 2008
Shortest paths in stochastic networks with correlated link costs
YY Fan, RE Kalaba, JE Moore Ii
Computers & Mathematics with Applications 49 (9-10), 1549-1564, 2005
Seismic risk assessment of transportation network systems
A Kiremidjian, J Moore, YY Fan, O Yazlali, N Basoz, M Williams
Journal of Earthquake Engineering 11 (3), 371-382, 2007
Optimal routing for maximizing the travel time reliability
Y Fan, Y Nie
Networks and Spatial Economics 6, 333-344, 2006
Solving stochastic transportation network protection problems using the progressive hedging-based method
Y Fan, C Liu
Networks and Spatial Economics 10, 193-208, 2010
Infrastructure planning for fast charging stations in a competitive market
Z Guo, J Deride, Y Fan
Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies 68, 215-227, 2016
Arriving-on-time problem: discrete algorithm that ensures convergence
Y Nie, Y Fan
Transportation research record 1964 (1), 193-200, 2006
From waste to hydrogen: An optimal design of energy production and distribution network
N Parker, Y Fan, J Ogden
Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review 46 (4 …, 2010
The least-cost hydrogen for Southern California
Z Lin, CW Chen, J Ogden, Y Fan
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 33 (12), 3009-3014, 2008
An integrated biofuel supply chain to cope with feedstock seasonality and uncertainty
Y Huang, Y Fan, CW Chen
Transportation Science 48 (4), 540-554, 2014
Optimal allocation of multiple emergency service resources for protection of critical transportation infrastructure
Y Huang, Y Fan, RL Cheu
Transportation Research Record 2022 (1), 1-8, 2007
Highway network retrofit under seismic hazard
Y Fan, C Liu, R Lee, AS Kiremidjian
Journal of Infrastructure Systems 16 (3), 181-187, 2010
Modeling uncertainties in emergency service resource allocation
Y Huang, Y Fan
Journal of infrastructure Systems 17 (1), 35-41, 2011
Stochastic travel demand estimation: Improving network identifiability using multi-day observation sets
Y Yang, Y Fan, RJB Wets
Transportation Research Part B: Methodological 107, 192-211, 2018
A dynamic programming approach for modeling low-carbon fuel technology adoption considering learning-by-doing effect
Y Chen, Y Zhang, Y Fan, K Hu, J Zhao
Applied energy 185, 825-835, 2017
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مقالات 1–20