Alexander Shtemenko, Александр Штеменко, Олександр Штеменко
Alexander Shtemenko, Александр Штеменко, Олександр Штеменко
Ukrainian State University of Chemical Technology, Український державний хіміко-технологічний
بريد إلكتروني تم التحقق منه على udhtu.edu.ua - الصفحة الرئيسية
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Dichlorotetra-μ-isobutyratodirhenium (III): enhancement of cisplatin action and RBC-stabilizing properties
N Shtemenko, P Collery, A Shtemenko
Anticancer Research 27 (4B), 2487-2492, 2007
Synthesis, characterization, in vivo antitumor properties of the cluster rhenium compound with GABA ligands and its synergism with cisplatin
AV Shtemenko, P Collery, NI Shtemenko, KV Domasevitch, ...
Dalton Transactions, 5132-5136, 2009
Synthesis, X-ray structure, interactions with DNA, remarkable in vivo tumor growth suppression and nephroprotective activity of cis-tetrachloro-dipivalato dirhenium (III)
NI Shtemenko, HT Chifotides, KV Domasevitch, AA Golichenko, SA Babiy, ...
Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry 129, 127-134, 2013
Liposomal forms of rhenium cluster compounds: enhancement of biological activity
NI Shtemenko, ED Zabitskaya, OV Berzenina, DE Yegorova, ...
Chemistry & Biodiversity 5 (8), 1660-1667, 2008
Sequential insertion of three different organometallics into a versatile building block containing a PNA backbone
M Patra, G Gasser, D Bobukhov, K Merz, AV Shtemenko, N Metzler-Nolte
Dalton Transactions 39 (24), 5617-5619, 2010
Chemistry of binuclear rhenium clusters
AV Shtemenko, BA Bovykin
TMS Annual Meeting, 189-197, 1997
Rhenium–platinum antitumor systems
AV Shtemenko, NI Shtemenko
The Ukrainian Biochemical Journal, 5-30, 2017
Tuning the structure of aminoferrocene-based anticancer prodrugs to prevent their aggregation in aqueous solution
S Daum, S Babiy, H Konovalova, W Hofer, A Shtemenko, N Shtemenko, ...
Journal of inorganic biochemistry 178, 9-17, 2018
Cluster rhenium (III) complexes with adamantanecarboxylic acids: Synthesis and properties
AA Golichenko, AV Shtemenko
Russian Journal of Coordination Chemistry 32, 242-249, 2006
Liposomes loaded with a dirhenium compound and cisplatin: preparation, properties and improved in vivo anticancer activity
Z Li, NI Shtemenko, DY Yegorova, SO Babiy, AJ Brown, T Yang, ...
Journal of Liposome Research 25 (1), 78-87, 2015
X-ray photoelectron study of trans-influence of the ReRe multiple bond
VI Nefedov, YV Salyn, AV Shtemenko, AS Kotelnikova
Inorganica Chimica Acta 45 (C), L49-L50, 1980
Synthesis and X-ray crystal structure of the dirhenium complex Re2 (i-C3H7COO) 4Cl2 and its interactions with the DNA purine nucleobases
AV Shtemenko, HT Chifotides, DE Yegorova, NI Shtemenko, KR Dunbar
Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry 153, 114-120, 2015
Synthesis of Novel Tetracarboxylato Dirhenium(III) Compounds and Crystal Structure of [Re2(1-Adamantylcarboxylate)4Cl2] · 4 CHCl3
AV Shtemenko, AA Golichenko, KV Domasevitch
Zeitschrift für Naturforschung B 56 (4-5), 381-385, 2001
New octachlorodirhenate (III) salts: solid state manifestation for a certain conformational flexibility of the [Re2Cl8] 2− ion
AV Shtemenko, OV Kozhura, AA Pasenko, KV Domasevitch
Polyhedron 22 (12), 1547-1552, 2003
Randarevich. M
A Shtemenko, A Golichenko, S Tretyak, N Shtemenko
Synthesis n ntir ic l properties of irhenium cluster compoun s// et …, 2008
Study of binuclear halogenocarboxylate compounds of rhenium (3) by the nuclear quadrupole resonance method
AI Kuz'min, AV Shtemenko, AS Kotel'nikova
Zh. Neorg. Khim.;(USSR) 25 (11), 1980
fac-Tricarbonyl rhenium(I) complexes of triazole-based ligands: Synthesis, X-ray structure and luminescent properties
KO Piletska, KV Domasevitch, AN Gusev, VF Shul’gin, AV Shtemenko
Polyhedron 102, 699-704, 2015
Recent advantages in application of cluster rhenium compounds as antitumor agents
NI Shtemenko, P Collery, AV Shtemenko
Metal Ions in Biology and Medicine/Ed. P. Collery, I. Maymard, T …, 2008
6+Re2 tetrahalogendiacetate complexes of trans-configuration
AV Shtemenko, SA Bagirov, AS Kotel'nikova, VG Lebedev, OI Kazymov, ...
Zhurnal Neorganicheskoj Khimii 26 (1), 111-114, 1981
Face-to-face stacking of caffeinium and [PMVI12O40] 3− ions: A synthon for crystal engineering with purine bases
OS Panteleieva, AV Shtemenko, KV Domasevitch
Inorganic Chemistry Communications 94, 119-122, 2018
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مقالات 1–20