Chengcheng Xu
Chengcheng Xu
Professor in School of Transportation, Southeast University
بريد إلكتروني تم التحقق منه على seu.edu.cn
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Using support vector machine models for crash injury severity analysis
Z Li, P Liu, W Wang, C Xu
Accident Analysis & Prevention 45, 478-486, 2012
The station-free sharing bike demand forecasting with a deep learning approach and large-scale datasets
C Xu, J Ji, P Liu
Transportation research part C: emerging technologies 95, 47-60, 2018
Comparing prediction performance for crash injury severity among various machine learning and statistical methods
J Zhang, Z Li, Z Pu, C Xu
IEEe Access 6, 60079-60087, 2018
Predicting crash likelihood and severity on freeways with real-time loop detector data
C Xu, AP Tarko, W Wang, P Liu
Accident Analysis & Prevention 57, 30-39, 2013
Evaluation of the impacts of traffic states on crash risks on freeways
C Xu, P Liu, W Wang, Z Li
Accident Analysis & Prevention 47, 162-171, 2012
Reinforcement learning-based variable speed limit control strategy to reduce traffic congestion at freeway recurrent bottlenecks
Z Li, P Liu, C Xu, H Duan, W Wang
IEEE transactions on intelligent transportation systems 18 (11), 3204-3217, 2017
A crash prediction method based on bivariate extreme value theory and video-based vehicle trajectory data
C Wang, C Xu, Y Dai
Accident Analysis & Prevention 123, 365-373, 2019
Association rule analysis of factors contributing to extraordinarily severe traffic crashes in China
C Xu, J Bao, C Wang, P Liu
Journal of safety research 67, 65-75, 2018
A combined use of microscopic traffic simulation and extreme value methods for traffic safety evaluation
C Wang, C Xu, J Xia, Z Qian, L Lu
Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies 90, 281-291, 2018
Identifying crash-prone traffic conditions under different weather on freeways
C Xu, W Wang, P Liu
Journal of safety research 46, 135-144, 2013
Exploring bikesharing travel patterns and trip purposes using smart card data and online point of interests
J Bao, C Xu, P Liu, W Wang
Networks and Spatial Economics 17, 1231-1253, 2017
Exploring unobserved heterogeneity in bicyclists’ red-light running behaviors at different crossing facilities
Y Guo, Z Li, Y Wu, C Xu
Accident Analysis & Prevention 115, 118-127, 2018
A genetic programming model for real-time crash prediction on freeways
C Xu, W Wang, P Liu
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems 14 (2), 574-586, 2012
Statistical analysis of the patterns and characteristics of connected and autonomous vehicle involved crashes
C Xu, Z Ding, C Wang, Z Li
Journal of safety research 71, 41-47, 2019
Development of a variable speed limit strategy to reduce secondary collision risks during inclement weathers
Z Li, Y Li, P Liu, W Wang, C Xu
Accident Analysis & Prevention 72, 134-145, 2014
Integrated cooperative adaptive cruise and variable speed limit controls for reducing rear-end collision risks near freeway bottlenecks based on micro-simulations
Y Li, C Xu, L Xing, W Wang
IEEE transactions on intelligent transportation systems 18 (11), 3157-3167, 2017
Real-time estimation of secondary crash likelihood on freeways using high-resolution loop detector data
C Xu, P Liu, B Yang, W Wang
Transportation research part C: emerging technologies 71, 406-418, 2016
Short-term prediction of safety and operation impacts of lane changes in oscillations with empirical vehicle trajectories
M Li, Z Li, C Xu, T Liu
Accident Analysis & Prevention 135, 105345, 2020
Operational analysis of the contraflow left-turn lane design at signalized intersections in China
J Wu, P Liu, ZZ Tian, C Xu
Transportation research part C: emerging technologies 69, 228-241, 2016
Development of a control strategy of variable speed limits to reduce rear-end collision risks near freeway recurrent bottlenecks
Z Li, P Liu, W Wang, C Xu
IEEE transactions on intelligent transportation systems 15 (2), 866-877, 2014
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مقالات 1–20