Jeffrey Greenhaus
Jeffrey Greenhaus
Professor Emeritus, Drexel University
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Sources of conflict between work and family roles
JH Greenhaus, NJ Beutell
Academy of management review 10 (1), 76-88, 1985
When work and family are allies: A theory of work-family enrichment
JH Greenhaus, GN Powell
Academy of management review 31 (1), 72-92, 2006
Effects of race on organizational experiences, job performance evaluations, and career outcomes
JH Greenhaus, S Parasuraman, WM Wormley
Academy of management Journal 33 (1), 64-86, 1990
The relation between work–family balance and quality of life
JH Greenhaus, KM Collins, JD Shaw
Journal of vocational behavior 63 (3), 510-531, 2003
Career Management [2008]@@ Career Management [2008]
JH Greenhaus, GA Callanan, VM Godshalk
Thomson/South-Western, 2008
A model of work, family, and interrole conflict: A construct validation study
RE Kopelman, JH Greenhaus, TF Connolly
Organizational behavior and human performance 32 (2), 198-215, 1983
Work and family--allies or enemies?: what happens when business professionals confront life choices
SD Friedman, JH Greenhaus
Oxford University Press, 2000
Work–family balance: A review and extension of the literature.
JH Greenhaus, TD Allen
American Psychological Association, 2011
Role stressors, social support, and well‐being among two‐career couples
S Parasuraman, JH Greenhaus, CS Granrose
Journal of Organizational behavior 13 (4), 339-356, 1992
Research on work, family, and gender: Current status and future directions
JH Greenhaus, S Parasuraman
Handbook of gender & work, 391-412, 1999
Career management
JH Greenhaus, GA Callanan, VM Godshalk
Sage, 2009
Determinants of MIS employees' turnover intentions: A structural equation model
M Igbaria, JH Greenhaus
Communications of the ACM 35 (2), 34-49, 1992
Toward reducing some critical gaps in work–family research
S Parasuraman, JH Greenhaus
Human resource management review 12 (3), 299-312, 2002
When work and family collide: Deciding between competing role demands
JH Greenhaus, GN Powell
Organizational behavior and human decision processes 90 (2), 291-303, 2003
Work experiences, job performance, and feelings of personal and family well-being
JH Greenhaus, AG Bedeian, KW Mossholder
Journal of Vocational Behavior 31 (2), 200-215, 1987
Sex, gender, and the work-to-family interface: Exploring negative and positive interdependencies
GN Powell, JH Greenhaus
Academy of Management Journal 53 (3), 513-534, 2010
A work-nonwork interactive perspective of stress and its consequences
JH Greenhaus, S Parasuraman
Job Stress, 37-60, 2014
Sources of work-family conflict among two-career couples
JH Greenhaus, S Parasuraman, CS Granrose, S Rabinowitz, NJ Beutell
Journal of vocational Behavior 34 (2), 133-153, 1989
Career involvement and family involvement as moderators of relationships between work–family conflict and withdrawal from a profession.
JH Greenhaus, S Parasuraman, KM Collins
Journal of occupational health psychology 6 (2), 91, 2001
Health consequences of work–family conflict: The dark side of the work–family interface
JH Greenhaus, TD Allen, PE Spector
Employee health, coping and methodologies 5, 61-98, 2006
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مقالات 1–20