S K Mishra
S K Mishra
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Investigating laser rapid manufacturing for Inconel-625 components
CP Paul, P Ganesh, SK Mishra, P Bhargava, JA Negi, AK Nath
Optics & Laser Technology 39 (4), 800-805, 2007
Investigations on the influence of composition in the development of Ni–Ti shape memory alloy using laser based additive manufacturing
S Shiva, IA Palani, SK Mishra, CP Paul, LM Kukreja
Optics & Laser Technology 69, 44-51, 2015
Laser rapid manufacturing on vertical surfaces: Analytical and experimental studies
CP Paul, SK Mishra, A Kumar, LM Kukreja
Surface and Coatings Technology 224, 18-28, 2013
Laser Additive Manufacturing using directed energy deposition of Inconel-718 wall structures with tailored characteristics
AN Jinoop, CP Paul, SK Mishra, KS Bindra
Vacuum 166, 270-278, 2019
Solid-particle erosion behaviour of WC/Ni composite clad layers with different contents of WC particles
CP Paul, SK Mishra, P Tiwari, LM Kukreja
Optics & Laser Technology 50, 155-162, 2013
Effect of energy density on laser powder bed fusion built single tracks and thin wall structures with 100 µm preplaced powder layer thickness
SK Nayak, SK Mishra, CP Paul, AN Jinoop, KS Bindra
Optics & Laser Technology 125, 106016, 2020
Studies on laser rapid manufacturing of cross-thin-walled porous structures of Inconel 625
CP Paul, SK Mishra, CH Premsingh, P Bhargava, P Tiwari, LM Kukreja
The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 61, 757-770, 2012
Experimental studies on laser additive manufacturing of Inconel-625 structures using powder bed fusion at 100 µm layer thickness
SK Nayak, SK Mishra, AN Jinoop, CP Paul, KS Bindra
Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance 29, 7636-7647, 2020
Tandem rapid manufacturing of Inconel-625 using laser assisted and plasma transferred arc depositions
P Bhargava, CP Paul, CH Premsingh, SK Mishra, A Kumar, DC Nagpure, ...
Advances in Manufacturing 1, 305-313, 2013
Laser rapid manufacturing of bi-metallic tube with Stellite-21 and austenitic stainless steel
P Ganesh, R Kaul, S Mishra, P Bhargava, CP Paul, CP Singh, P Tiwari, ...
Transactions of the Indian Institute of Metals 62, 169-174, 2009
Fabrication of Multi-material Components by Laser Rapid Manufacturing and their Characterization
P Ganesh, V Karthik, R Kaul, CP Paul, P Tiwari, SK Mishra, CH Prem, ...
Parametric Dependence and Characterization of Laser Brazed Copper-Stainless Steel Joints
S Lal, CP Paul, CH Premsingh, P Bhargava, SK Mishra, VK Raghuvanshi, ...
Advanced Materials Research 585, 450-454, 2012
Metallurgical characterization of laser fabricated structures of engineering alloys
P Ganesh, R Kaul, H Kumar, CH Premsingh, SK Mishra, LM Kukreja
Interaction Meet on Utilization of Laser Technology in Industry & Medicine …, 2011
Laser Rapid Manufacturing of Engineering Components
CP Paul, P Bhargava, SK Mishra, CH Premsingh, LM Kukreja
Interaction Meet on Utilization of Laser Technology in Industry & Medicine …, 0
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مقالات 1–14