Fabio Fumarola
Fabio Fumarola
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Predictive modeling of PV energy production: How to set up the learning task for a better prediction?
M Ceci, R Corizzo, F Fumarola, D Malerba, A Rashkovska
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics 13 (3), 956-966, 2016
CloFAST: closed sequential pattern mining using sparse and vertical id-lists
F Fumarola, PF Lanotte, M Ceci, D Malerba
Knowledge and Information Systems 48 (2), 429-463, 2016
Completion time and next activity prediction of processes using sequential pattern mining
M Ceci, PF Lanotte, F Fumarola, DP Cavallo, D Malerba
Discovery Science: 17th International Conference, DS 2014, Bled, Slovenia …, 2014
Novel targeting of phospho-cMET overcomes drug resistance and induces antitumor activity in multiple myeloma
M Moschetta, A Basile, A Ferrucci, MA Frassanito, L Rao, R Ria, ...
Clinical cancer research 19 (16), 4371-4382, 2013
Fast sequence mining based on sparse id-lists
E Salvemini, F Fumarola, D Malerba, J Han
Foundations of Intelligent Systems: 19th International Symposium, ISMIS 2011 …, 2011
Extracting general lists from web documents: A hybrid approach
F Fumarola, T Weninger, R Barber, D Malerba, J Han
Modern Approaches in Applied Intelligence: 24th International Conference on …, 2011
Big data techniques for supporting accurate predictions of energy production from renewable sources
M Ceci, R Corizzo, F Fumarola, M Ianni, D Malerba, G Maria, E Masciari, ...
Proceedings of the 19th international database engineering & applications …, 2015
Data mining techniques in sensor networks: Summarization, interpolation and surveillance
A Appice, A Ciampi, F Fumarola, D Malerba
Springer Science & Business Media, 2013
Unexpected results in automatic list extraction on the web
T Weninger, F Fumarola, R Barber, J Han, D Malerba
ACM SIGKDD Explorations Newsletter 12 (2), 26-30, 2011
A sliding window algorithm for relational frequent patterns mining from data streams
F Fumarola, A Ciampi, A Appice, D Malerba
Discovery Science: 12th International Conference, DS 2009, Porto, Portugal …, 2009
Breast cancer’s microarray data: pattern discovery using nonnegative matrix factorizations
N Del Buono, F Esposito, F Fumarola, A Boccarelli, M Coluccia
Machine Learning, Optimization, and Big Data: Second International Workshop …, 2016
Novelty detection from evolving complex data streams with time windows
M Ceci, A Appice, C Loglisci, C Caruso, F Fumarola, D Malerba
International Symposium on Methodologies for Intelligent Systems, 563-572, 2009
Hylien: a hybrid approach to general list extraction on the web
F Fumarola, T Weninger, R Barber, D Malerba, J Han
Proceedings of the 20th international conference companion on World wide web …, 2011
A parallel algorithm for approximate frequent itemset mining using MapReduce
F Fumarola, D Malerba
2014 international conference on high performance computing & simulation …, 2014
Towards productizing AI/ML models: an industry perspective from data scientists
F Lanubile, F Calefato, L Quaranta, M Amoruso, F Fumarola, M Filannino
2021 IEEE/ACM 1st workshop on AI engineering-software engineering for AI …, 2021
Mapping web pages to database records via link paths
T Weninger, F Fumarola, J Han, D Malerba
Proceedings of the 19th ACM international conference on Information and …, 2010
On the importance of sharing negative results
C Giraud-Carrier, MH Dunham
ACM SIGKDD Explorations Newsletter 12 (2), 3-4, 2011
Growing parallel paths for entity-page discovery
T Weninger, F Fumarola, CX Lin, R Barber, J Han, D Malerba
Proceedings of the 20th international conference companion on World wide web …, 2011
Exploiting recurrent neural networks for gate traffic prediction
F Fumarola, PF Lanotte
Traffic Mining Applied to Police Activities: Proceedings of the 1st Italian …, 2018
Discovering novelty patterns from the ancient christian inscriptions of rome
G Pio, F Fumarola, AE Felle, D Malerba, M Ceci
Journal on Computing and Cultural Heritage (JOCCH) 7 (4), 1-21, 2014
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مقالات 1–20