Just institutions matter: The moral and political logic of the universal welfare state B Rothstein Cambridge university press, 1998 | 2618 | 1998 |
All for all: Equality, corruption, and social trust B Rothstein, EM Uslaner World politics 58 (1), 41-72, 2005 | 2586 | 2005 |
What is quality of government? A theory of impartial government institutions BO Rothstein, JAN Teorell Governance 21 (2), 165-190, 2008 | 1963 | 2008 |
What is quality of government? A theory of impartial government institutions BO Rothstein, JAN Teorell Governance 21 (2), 165-190, 2008 | 1940 | 2008 |
The quality of government: Corruption, social trust, and inequality in international perspective B Rothstein University of Chicago Press, 2011 | 1831 | 2011 |
Social traps and the problem of trust B Rothstein Cambridge University Press, 2005 | 1511 | 2005 |
The state and social capital: An institutional theory of generalized trust B Rothstein, D Stolle Comparative politics 40 (4), 441-459, 2008 | 1380 | 2008 |
Why anticorruption reforms fail—systemic corruption as a collective action problem A Persson, B Rothstein, J Teorell Governance 26 (3), 449-471, 2013 | 1332 | 2013 |
Making and breaking social capital: The impact of welfare-state institutions S Kumlin, B Rothstein Comparative political studies 38 (4), 339-365, 2005 | 1075 | 2005 |
Trust, social dilemmas and collective memories B Rothstein Journal of theoretical politics 12 (4), 477-501, 2000 | 951 | 2000 |
Vad bör staten göra?: om välfärdsstatens moraliska och politiska logik B Rothstein SNS (Studieförb. Näringsliv och samhälle, 1994 | 883 | 1994 |
Social capital in the social democratic welfare state B Rothstein Politics & Society 29 (2), 207-241, 2001 | 775 | 2001 |
Political institutions: an overview B Rothstein A new handbook of political science, 133-166, 1996 | 736 | 1996 |
Sociala fällor och tillitens problem B Rothstein Social tillit i höglitarlandet Sverige, 15, 2003 | 607 | 2003 |
Creating political legitimacy: Electoral democracy versus quality of government B Rothstein American behavioral scientist 53 (3), 311-330, 2009 | 596 | 2009 |
Quality of government: What you get S Holmberg, B Rothstein, N Nasiritousi Annual review of political science 12 (1), 135-161, 2009 | 571 | 2009 |
Den korporativa staten: intresseorganisationer och statsförvaltning i svensk politik B Rothstein (No Title), 1992 | 555 | 1992 |
Social capital, impartiality and the welfare state: An institutional approach B Rothstein, D Stolle Generating social capital: Civil society and institutions in comparative …, 2003 | 548 | 2003 |
Labor-market institutions and working-class strength B Rothstein Structuring politics: Historical institutionalism in comparative analysis, 33-56, 1992 | 515 | 1992 |
Political corruption and social trust: An experimental approach B Rothstein, D Eek Rationality and society 21 (1), 81-112, 2009 | 481 | 2009 |