Alberto Maydeu-Olivares
Alberto Maydeu-Olivares
Professor. Psychology Dept. University of South Carolina
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
The SAGE handbook of quantitative methods in psychology
RE Millsap, A Maydeu-Olivares
Sage Publications, 2009
Contemporary psychometrics. A Festschrift to Roderick P McDonald
A Maydeu-Olivares, JJ McArdle, ( Eds.)
Lawrence Erlbaum, 2005
Social Problem-Solving Inventory-Revised (SPSI-R)
TJ D'Zurilla, AM Nezu, A Maydeu-Olivares
North Tonawanda, NY: Multi-Health Systems, 2002
Factor analysis with ordinal indicators: A Monte Carlo study comparing DWLS and ULS estimation
CG Forero, A Maydeu-Olivares, D Gallardo-Pujol
Structural equation modeling 16 (4), 625-641, 2009
Understanding the model size effect on SEM fit indices
D Shi, T Lee, A Maydeu-Olivares
Educational and psychological measurement 79 (2), 310-334, 2019
Social Problem Solving: Theory and Assessment
TJ D'Zurilla, AM Nezu, A Maydeu-Olivares
American Psychological Association, 2004
Optimism and pessimism as partially independent constructs: Relationship to positive and negative affectivity and psychological well-being
EC Chang, A Maydeu-Olivares, TJ D'Zurilla
Personality and individual Differences 23 (3), 433-440, 1997
A factor-analytic study of the Social Problem-Solving Inventory: An integration of theory and data
A Maydeu-Olivares, TJ D'Zurilla
Cognitive therapy and research 20, 115-133, 1996
Assessing the dimensionality of optimism and pessimism using a multimeasure approach
EC Chang, TJ D'Zurilla, A Maydeu-Olivares
Cognitive therapy and research 18, 143-160, 1994
Limited information goodness-of-fit testing in multidimensional contingency tables
A Maydeu-Olivares, H Joe
Psychometrika 71 (4), 713-732, 2006
Item response modeling of forced-choice questionnaires
A Brown, A Maydeu-Olivares
Educational and Psychological Measurement 71 (3), 460-502, 2011
Conceptual and methodological issues in social problem-solving assessment
TJ D'Zurilla, A Maydeu-Olivares
Behavior therapy 26 (3), 409-432, 1995
Limited-and full-information estimation and goodness-of-fit testing in 2^n contingency tables: a unified framework
A Maydeu-Olivares, H Joe
Journal of the American Statistical Association 100 (471), 1009-1020, 2005
Maximum likelihood estimation of structural equation models for continuous data: Standard errors and goodness of fit
A Maydeu-Olivares
Structural Equation Modeling: A Multidisciplinary Journal 24 (3), 383-394, 2017
Age and gender differences in social problem-solving ability
TJ D'Zurilla, A Maydeu-Olivares, GL Kant
Personality and individual differences 25 (2), 241-252, 1998
Assessing fit in ordinal factor analysis models: SRMR vs. RMSEA
D Shi, A Maydeu-Olivares, Y Rosseel
Structural Equation Modeling: A Multidisciplinary Journal 27 (1), 1-15, 2020
Goodness-of-fit assessment of item response theory models
A Maydeu-Olivares
Measurement: Interdisciplinary Research and Perspectives 11 (3), 71-101, 2013
Random intercept item factor analysis
A Maydeu-Olivares, DL Coffman
Psychological Methods 11, 344-362, 2006
The effect of estimation methods on SEM fit indices
D Shi, A Maydeu-Olivares
Educational and psychological measurement 80 (3), 421-445, 2020
Assessing approximate fit in categorical data analysis
A Maydeu-Olivares, H Joe
Multivariate Behavioral Research 49 (4), 305-328, 2014
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مقالات 1–20