Vivekanand Kain
Vivekanand Kain
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Role of residual stresses induced by industrial fabrication on stress corrosion cracking susceptibility of austenitic stainless steel
S Ghosh, VPS Rana, V Kain, V Mittal, SK Baveja
Materials & Design 32 (7), 3823-3831, 2011
Microstructural changes in AISI 304L stainless steel due to surface machining: Effect on its susceptibility to chloride stress corrosion cracking
S Ghosh, V Kain
Journal of nuclear materials 403 (1-3), 62-67, 2010
Resistance to sensitization and intergranular corrosion through extreme randomization of grain boundaries
DN Wasnik, V Kain, I Samajdar, B Verlinden, PK De
Acta Materialia 50 (18), 4587-4601, 2002
Effect of cold work on low-temperature sensitization behaviour of austenitic stainless steels
V Kain, K Chandra, KN Adhe, PK De
Journal of nuclear materials 334 (2-3), 115-132, 2004
Influence of tempering treatment on microstructure and pitting corrosion of 13 wt.% Cr martensitic stainless steel
SK Bonagani, V Bathula, V Kain
Corrosion Science 131, 340-354, 2018
Low temperature embrittlement of duplex stainless steel: Correlation between mechanical and electrochemical behavior
K Chandra, R Singhal, V Kain, VS Raja
Materials Science and Engineering: A 527 (16-17), 3904-3912, 2010
Low temperature thermal aging of austenitic stainless steel welds: Kinetics and effects on mechanical properties
K Chandra, V Kain, V Bhutani, VS Raja, R Tewari, GK Dey, ...
Materials Science and Engineering: A 534, 163-175, 2012
Laser shock peening and its applications: a review
RK Gupta, BK Pant, V Kain, R Kaul, KS Bindra
Lasers in Manufacturing and Materials Processing 6 (4), 424-463, 2019
Effect of reverted austenite on mechanical properties of precipitation hardenable 17-4 stainlesssteel
R Bhambroo, S Roychowdhury, V Kain, VS Raja
Materials Science and Engineering: A 568, 127-133, 2013
Electrochemical investigations of pitting corrosion in nitrogen-bearing type 316LN stainless steel
GC Palit, V Kain, HS Gadiyar
Corrosion 49 (12), 977-991, 1993
Precipitation stages in a 316L austenitic stainless steel
DN Wasnik, GK Dey, V Kain, I Samajdar
Scripta Materialia 49 (2), 135-141, 2003
Effect of surface machining and cold working on the ambient temperature chloride stress corrosion cracking susceptibility of AISI 304L stainless steel
S Ghosh, V Kain
Materials Science and Engineering: A 527 (3), 679-683, 2010
Functional materials: preparation, processing and applications
S Banerjee, AK Tyagi
Elsevier, 2011
Flow accelerated corrosion: forms, mechanisms and case studies
V Kain
Procedia Engineering 86, 576-588, 2014
Influence of sigma-phase formation on the localized corrosion behavior of a duplex stainless steel
KM Adhe, V Kain, K Madangopal, HS Gadiyar
Journal of materials engineering and performance 5, 500-506, 1996
Surface working of 304L stainless steel: Impact on microstructure, electrochemical behavior and SCC resistance
SG Acharyya, A Khandelwal, V Kain, A Kumar, I Samajdar
Materials Characterization 72, 68-76, 2012
Recovery of rare earth elements from coal fly ash using TEHDGA impregnated resin
S Mondal, A Ghar, AK Satpati, P Sinharoy, DK Singh, JN Sharma, ...
Hydrometallurgy 185, 93-101, 2019
Testing sensitization and predicting susceptibility to intergranular corrosion and intergranular stress corrosion cracking in austenitic stainless steels
V Kain, RC Prasad, PK De
Corrosion 58 (01), 2002
Stress corrosion cracking (SCC) in stainless steels
V Kain
Stress corrosion cracking, 199-244, 2011
High corrosion resistant Ti–5% Ta–1.8% Nb alloy for fuel reprocessing application
K Kapoor, V Kain, T Gopalkrishna, T Sanyal, PK De
Journal of nuclear materials 322 (1), 36-44, 2003
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مقالات 1–20