Anthony S. Wexler
Anthony S. Wexler
Mechanical & Aerospace Eng'g, Civil & Environmental Eng'g, Land, Air and Water Resources
بريد إلكتروني تم التحقق منه على ucdavis.edu
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Aerosol emission and superemission during human speech increase with voice loudness
S Asadi, AS Wexler, CD Cappa, S Barreda, NM Bouvier, WD Ristenpart
Scientific reports 9 (1), 2348, 2019
Atmospheric amines–Part I. A review
X Ge, AS Wexler, SL Clegg
Atmospheric Environment 45 (3), 524-546, 2011
Thermodynamic Model of the System H+−NH4+−SO42-−NO3-−H2O at Tropospheric Temperatures
SL Clegg, P Brimblecombe, AS Wexler
The Journal of Physical Chemistry A 102 (12), 2137-2154, 1998
The coronavirus pandemic and aerosols: Does COVID-19 transmit via expiratory particles?
S Asadi, N Bouvier, AS Wexler, WD Ristenpart
Aerosol Science and Technology 54 (6), 635-638, 2020
Atmospheric aerosol models for systems including the ions H+, NH4+, Na+, SO42−, NO3, Cl, Br, and H2O
AS Wexler, SL Clegg
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 107 (D14), ACH 14-1-ACH 14-14, 2002
Thermodynamic Model of the System H+−NH4+−Na+−SO42-−NO3-−Cl-−H2O at 298.15 K
SL Clegg, P Brimblecombe, AS Wexler
The Journal of Physical Chemistry A 102 (12), 2155-2171, 1998
Second-generation inorganic aerosol model
AS Wexler, JH Seinfeld
Atmospheric Environment. Part A. General Topics 25 (12), 2731-2748, 1991
Efficacy of masks and face coverings in controlling outward aerosol particle emission from expiratory activities
S Asadi, CD Cappa, S Barreda, AS Wexler, NM Bouvier, WD Ristenpart
Scientific reports 10 (1), 15665, 2020
Statistical mechanical description and modelling of turbulent collision of inertial particles
LP Wang, AS Wexler, Y Zhou
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 415, 117-153, 2000
Formation of nitrate and non-sea-salt sulfate on coarse particles
H Zhuang, CK Chan, M Fang, AS Wexler
Atmospheric Environment 33 (26), 4223-4233, 1999
Detailed flow patterns in the nasal cavity
JT Kelly, AK Prasad, AS Wexler
Journal of applied physiology 89 (1), 323-337, 2000
Size distributions of particulate sulfate, nitrate, and ammonium at a coastal site in Hong Kong
H Zhuang, CK Chan, M Fang, AS Wexler
Atmospheric Environment 33 (6), 843-853, 1999
Measurement and numerical simulation of soot particle size distribution functions in a laminar premixed ethylene-oxygen-argon flame
B Zhao, Z Yang, MV Johnston, H Wang, AS Wexler, M Balthasar, M Kraft
Combustion and Flame 133 (1-2), 173-188, 2003
Evolution of particle number distribution near roadways. Part II: the ‘Road-to-Ambient’process
KM Zhang, AS Wexler, YF Zhu, WC Hinds, C Sioutas
Atmospheric Environment 38 (38), 6655-6665, 2004
Modelling urban and regional aerosols—I. Model development
AS Wexler, FW Lurmann, JH Seinfeld
Atmospheric Environment 28 (3), 531-546, 1994
The distribution of ammonium salts among a size and composition dispersed aerosol
AS Wexler, JH Seinfeld
Atmospheric Environment. Part A. General Topics 24 (5), 1231-1246, 1990
Evolution of particle number distribution near roadways—Part I: analysis of aerosol dynamics and its implications for engine emission measurement
KM Zhang, AS Wexler
Atmospheric Environment 38 (38), 6643-6653, 2004
On the collision rate of small particles in isotropic turbulence. II. Finite inertia case
Y Zhou, AS Wexler, LP Wang
Physics of fluids 10 (5), 1206-1216, 1998
Atmospheric amines–Part II. Thermodynamic properties and gas/particle partitioning
X Ge, AS Wexler, SL Clegg
Atmospheric Environment 45 (3), 561-577, 2011
Dynamics of tropospheric aerosols
SN Pandis, AS Wexler, JH Seinfeld
The Journal of Physical Chemistry 99 (24), 9646-9659, 1995
يتعذر على النظام إجراء العملية في الوقت الحالي. عاود المحاولة لاحقًا.
مقالات 1–20