Mosbeh R.Kaloop
Mosbeh R.Kaloop
بريد إلكتروني تم التحقق منه على mans.edu.eg - الصفحة الرئيسية
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Monitoring Urban Growth and Land Use Change Detection with GIS and remote sensing techniques in Daqahlia Governorate Egypt
IR Hegazy, MR Kaloop
International Journal of Sustainable Built Environment, 2015
Compressive strength prediction of high-performance concrete using gradient tree boosting machine
MR Kaloop, D Kumar, P Samui, JW Hu, D Kim
Construction and Building Materials 264, 120198, 2020
Monitoring of bridge deformation using GPS technique
MR Kaloop, H Li
KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering 13, 423-431, 2009
Particle swarm optimization algorithm-extreme learning machine (PSO-ELM) model for predicting resilient modulus of stabilized aggregate bases
MR Kaloop, D Kumar, P Samui, AR Gabr, JW Hu, X Jin, B Roy
Applied Sciences 9 (16), 3221, 2019
Study for predicting land surface temperature (LST) using landsat data: a comparison of four algorithms
EK Mustafa, Y Co, G Liu, MR Kaloop, AA Beshr, F Zarzoura, M Sadek
Advances in Civil Engineering 2020 (1), 7363546, 2020
Recent advances of structures monitoring and evaluation using GPS-time series monitoring systems: A review
MR Kaloop, E Elbeltagi, JW Hu, A Elrefai
ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information 6 (12), 382, 2017
A wavelet-particle swarm optimization-extreme learning machine hybrid modeling for significant wave height prediction
MR Kaloop, D Kumar, F Zarzoura, B Roy, JW Hu
Ocean Engineering 213, 107777, 2020
Stayed-cable bridge damage detection and localization based on accelerometer health monitoring measurements
MR Kaloop, JW Hu
Shock and Vibration, 2015
Talkha Steel Highway bridge Monitoring and Movement Identification using RTK-GPS Technique
MT Elnabwy, MR Kaloop, E Elbeltagi
Measurement 46 (10), 4282–4292, 2013
Simulation of land use dynamics and impact on land surface temperature using satellite data
EK Mustafa, G Liu, HT Abd El-Hamid, MR Kaloop
GeoJournal 86, 1089-1107, 2021
Novel application of adaptive swarm intelligence techniques coupled with adaptive network-based fuzzy inference system in predicting photovoltaic power
MR Kaloop, A Bardhan, N Kardani, P Samui, JW Hu, A Ramzy
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 148, 111315, 2021
Sensitivity and analysis GPS signals based bridge damage using GPS observations and wavelet transform
MR Kaloop, H Li
Measurement 44 (5), 927-937, 2011
A hybrid wavelet-optimally-pruned extreme learning machine model for the estimation of international roughness index of rigid pavements
MR Kaloop, SM El-Badawy, J Ahn, HB Sim, JW Hu, RT Abd El-Hakim
International Journal of Pavement Engineering 23 (3), 862-876, 2022
GPS-structural health monitoring of a long span bridge using neural network adaptive filter
MR Kaloop, D Kim
Survey Review 46 (334), 7-14, 2014
Reliability analysis of pile foundation using soft computing techniques: a comparative study
M Kumar, A Bardhan, P Samui, JW Hu, MR Kaloop
Processes 9 (3), 486, 2021
An approach based on landsat images for shoreline monitoring to support integrated coastal management—A case study, ezbet elborg, nile delta, Egypt
MT Elnabwy, E Elbeltagi, MM El Banna, MMY Elshikh, I Motawa, ...
ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information 9 (4), 199, 2020
Dynamic Performance Analysis of the Towers of a Long-Span Bridge Based on GPS Monitoring Technique
MR Kaloop, JW Hu
Journal of Sensors 2016 (2016), 2016
Multi input–single output models identification of tower bridge movements using GPS monitoring system
MR Kaloop, H Li
Measurement 47, 531-539, 2014
Predicting resilient modulus of recycled concrete and clay masonry blends for pavement applications using soft computing techniques
MR Kaloop, AR Gabr, SM El-Badawy, A Arisha, S Shwally, JW Hu
Frontiers of Structural and Civil Engineering 13, 1379-1392, 2019
Time-series analysis of GPS measurements for long-span bridge movements using wavelet and model prediction techniques
MR Kaloop, M Hussan, D Kim
Advances in Space Research 63 (11), 3505-3521, 2019
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مقالات 1–20