Jose M. Tomas
Jose M. Tomas
انتساب غير معروف
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Modelling safety climate in the prediction of levels of safety activity
A Cheyne, S Cox, A Oliver, JM Tomás
Work & Stress 12 (3), 255-271, 1998
Rosenberg's self‐esteem scale: Two factors or method effects
JM Tomas, A Oliver
Structural Equation Modeling: A Multidisciplinary Journal 6 (1), 84-98, 1999
The effects of organizational and individual factors on occupational accidents
A Oliver, A Cheyne, JM Tomás, S Cox
Journal of Occupational and Organizational psychology 75 (4), 473-488, 2002
Coping strategies: Gender differences and development throughout life span
JC Meléndez, T Mayordomo, P Sancho, JM Tomás
The Spanish journal of psychology 15 (3), 1089-1098, 2012
A cross-validation of a structural equation model of accidents: organizational and psychological variables as predictors of work safety
JM Tomás, JL Meliá, A Oliver
Work & Stress 13 (1), 49-58, 1999
Psychological and physical dimensions explaining life satisfaction among the elderly: A structural model examination
JC Meléndez, JM Tomás, A Oliver, E Navarro
Archives of gerontology and geriatrics 48 (3), 291-295, 2009
Resilience and coping as predictors of general well-being in the elderly: A structural equation modeling approach
JM Tomás, P Sancho, JC Melendez, T Mayordomo
Aging & mental health 16 (3), 317-326, 2012
Safety culture: the prediction of commitment to safety in the manufacturing industry
S Cox, JM Tomas, A Cheyne, A Oliver
British Journal of management 9, 3-11, 1998
Correlates of victim-blaming attitudes regarding partner violence against women among the Spanish general population
E Gracia, JM Tomás
Violence against women 20 (1), 26-41, 2014
Global variation in postoperative mortality and complications after cancer surgery: a multicentre, prospective cohort study in 82 countries
SR Knight, CA Shaw, R Pius, TM Drake, L Norman, AO Ademuyiwa, ...
The Lancet 397 (10272), 387-397, 2021
The architecture of employee attitudes to safety in the manufacturing sector
A Cheyne, A Oliver, JM Tomás, S Cox
Personnel Review 31 (6), 649-670, 2002
The role of perceived autonomy support in predicting university students’ academic success mediated by academic self-efficacy and school engagement
M Gutiérrez, JM Tomás
Educational Psychology 39 (6), 729-748, 2019
Análisis psicométrico confirmatorio de una medida multidimensional del autoconcepto en español
JM Tomás, A Oliver
Revista Interamericana de Psicología/Interamerican Journal of Psychology 38 …, 2004
Development and validation of the thought control ability questionnaire
JV Luciano, S Algarabel, JM Tomás, JL Martínez
Personality and Individual Differences 38 (5), 997-1008, 2005
Screen media time usage of 12–16 year-old Spanish school adolescents: effects of personal and socioeconomic factors, season and type of day
J Devís-Devís, C Peiró-Velert, VJ Beltrán-Carrillo, JM Tomás
Journal of adolescence 32 (2), 213-231, 2009
Perceived social support, school engagement and satisfaction with school
M Gutiérrez, JM Tomás, I Romero, JM Barrica
Revista de Psicodidáctica (English ed.) 22 (2), 111-117, 2017
Factores personales, familiares y académicos en niños y adolescentes con baja autoestima
E Navarro, JM Tomás, A Oliver
Boletín de psicología 88 (1), 7-25, 2006
Aportaciones de la teoría de la autodeterminación a la predicción de la satisfacción escolar en estudiantes universitarios
JM Tomás, M Gutiérrez
Revista de Investigación Educativa 37 (2), 471-485, 2019
Perceived social support, school adaptation and adolescents’ subjective well-being
JM Tomás, M Gutiérrez, AM Pastor, P Sancho
Child Indicators Research 13 (5), 1597-1617, 2020
Health and safety management in UK and Spanish SMEs: a comparative study
L Vassie, JM Tomàs, A Oliver
Journal of Safety Research 31 (1), 35-43, 2000
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مقالات 1–20