Philip Garcia
Philip Garcia
Professor and T.A. Hieronymus Chair, Agricultural and Consumer Economics, University of Illinois
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Volatility spillovers in US crude oil, ethanol, and corn futures markets
A Trujillo-Barrera, M Mallory, P Garcia
Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics 37, 247-262, 2012
Measuring producers’ risk preferences: A global risk attitude construct
J Pennings, P Garcia
American Journal of Agricultural Economics 83, 993-1009, 2001
Basis risk and weather hedging effectiveness
JD Woodard, P Garcia
Bubbles in food commodity markets: Four decades of evidence
XL Etienne, SH Irwin, P Garcia
Journal of International Money and Finance 42, 129-155, 2014
Estimation of time-varying hedge ratios for corn and soybeans: BGARCH and random coefficient approaches
AK Bera, P Garcia, JS Roh
Sankhyā: The Indian Journal of Statistics, Series B 59, 346-368, 1997
Lead-lag relationships between trading volume and price variability: New evidence
P Garcia, RM Leuthold, H Zapata
The Journal of Futures Markets (1986-1998) 6 (1), 1, 1986
A selected review of agricultural commodity futures and options markets
P Garcia, RM Leuthold
European Review of Agricultural Economics 31 (3), 235-272, 2004
Bubbles, food prices, and speculation: Evidence from the CFTC's daily large trader data files
NM Aulerich, SH Irwin, P Garcia
NBER working paper w19065 (also in The Economics of Food Price Volatility …, 2013
The price‐forecasting performance of futures markets for live cattle and hogs: A disaggregated analysis
L Martin, P Garcia
American Journal of Agricultural Economics 63 (2), 209-215, 1981
The value of public information in commodity futures markets
P Garcia, SH Irwin, RM Leuthold, L Yang
Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization 32 (4), 559-570, 1997
Hedging behavior in small and medium-sized enterprises: The role of unobserved heterogeneity
JME Pennings, P Garcia
Journal of Banking & Finance 28 (5), 951-978, 2004
Dominant-satellite relationships between live cattle cash and futures markets
SR Koontz, P Garcia, MA Hudson
The Journal of Futures Markets (1986-1998) 10 (2), 123, 1990
Recovering probabilistic information from option markets: Tests of distributional assumptions
BJ Sherrick, P Garcia, V Tirupattur
Journal of Futures Markets 16 (5), 545-560, 1996
Price explosiveness, speculation, and grain futures prices
XL Etienne, SH Irwin, P Garcia
American Journal of Agricultural Economics 97 (1), 65-87, 2015
Estimating corn yield response models to predict impacts of climate change
BL Dixon, SE Hollinger, P Garcia, V Tirupattur
Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics 19, 58-68, 1994
Futures market failure?
P Garcia, SH Irwin, A Smith
American Journal of Agricultural Economics 97 (1), 40-64, 2015
Meatpacker conduct in fed cattle pricing: An investigation of oligopsony power
SR Koontz, P Garcia, MA Hudson
American Journal of Agricultural Economics 75 (3), 537-548, 1993
Farm size, tenure, and economic efficiency in a sample of Illinois grain farms
P Garcia, ST Sonka, MS Yoo
American Journal of Agricultural Economics 64 (1), 119-123, 1982
Spreads and non-convergence in Chicago board of trade corn, soybean, and wheat futures: Are index funds to blame?
SH Irwin, P Garcia, DL Good, EL Kunda
Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy 33 (1), 116-42, 2011
An evaluation of crop forecast accuracy for corn and soybeans: USDA and private information agencies
TM Egelkraut, P Garcia, SH Irwin, DL Good
Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics 35 (1), 79-95, 2003
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مقالات 1–20