Regents' Professor of Chemistry & Associate Dean, Texas A&M University
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Constraints on the symmetry energy and neutron skins from experiments and theory
MB Tsang, JR Stone, F Camera, P Danielewicz, S Gandolfi, K Hebeler, ...
Physical Review C—Nuclear Physics 86 (1), 015803, 2012
Bulk properties of the medium produced in relativistic heavy-ion collisions from the beam energy scan program
L Adamczyk, JK Adkins, G Agakishiev, MM Aggarwal, Z Ahammed, ...
Physical Review C 96 (4), 044904, 2017
Isotopically resolved intermediate-mass fragment and light charged particle production from the reactions {sup 40} Ar and {sup 40} Ca with {sup 58} Fe and {sup 58} Ni at E {sub …
H Johnston, T White, BA Li, E Ramakrishnan, J Winger, DJ Rowland, ...
Physical Review, C 56 (4), 1997
Density dependence of the symmetry energy and the nuclear equation of state: A dynamical and statistical model perspective
DV Shetty, SJ Yennello, GA Souliotis
Physical Review C—Nuclear Physics 76 (2), 024606, 2007
Mass dependence of the disappearance of flow in nuclear collisions
GD Westfall, W Bauer, D Craig, M Cronqvist, E Gaultieri, S Hannuschke, ...
Physical review letters 71 (13), 1986, 1993
Results of the ASY-EOS experiment at GSI: The symmetry energy at suprasaturation density
P Russotto, S Gannon, S Kupny, P Lasko, L Acosta, M Adamczyk, ...
Physical Review C 94 (3), 034608, 2016
Liquid to vapor phase transition in excited nuclei
JB Elliott, LG Moretto, L Phair, GJ Wozniak, L Beaulieu, H Breuer, ...
Physical review letters 88 (4), 042701, 2002
Density dependence of the symmetry energy and the equation of state of isospin asymmetric nuclear matter
DV Shetty, SJ Yennello, GA Souliotis
Physical Review C—Nuclear Physics 75 (3), 034602, 2007
Isospin dependence of collective transverse flow in nuclear collisions
R Pak, W Benenson, O Bjarki, JA Brown, SA Hannuschke, RA Lacey, ...
Physical review letters 78 (6), 1022, 1997
Isospin dependence of collective flow in heavy-ion collisions at intermediate energies
BA Li, Z Ren, CM Ko, SJ Yennello
Physical review letters 76 (24), 4492, 1996
Low-lying structure of Li 10 in the reaction B 11 (7 Li, 8 B) 10 Li
BM Young, W Benenson, JH Kelley, NA Orr, R Pfaff, BM Sherrill, M Steiner, ...
Physical Review C 49 (1), 279, 1994
Signals for a transition from surface to bulk emission in thermal multifragmentation
L Beaulieu, T Lefort, K Kwiatkowski, RT de Souza, W Hsi, L Pienkowski, ...
Physical Review Letters 84 (26), 5971, 2000
Probing the symmetry energy with the spectral pion ratio
J Estee, WG Lynch, CY Tsang, J Barney, G Jhang, MB Tsang, R Wang, ...
Physical review letters 126 (16), 162701, 2021
Isospin dependence of the balance energy
R Pak, BA Li, W Benenson, O Bjarki, JA Brown, SA Hannuschke, ...
Physical review letters 78 (6), 1026, 1997
Critical behavior in light nuclear systems: Experimental aspects
YG Ma, JB Natowitz, R Wada, K Hagel, J Wang, T Keutgen, Z Majka, ...
Physical Review C—Nuclear Physics 71 (5), 054606, 2005
NIMROD–ISiS, a versatile tool for studying the isotopic degree of freedom in heavy ion collisions
S Wuenschel, K Hagel, R Wada, JB Natowitz, SJ Yennello, Z Kohley, ...
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators …, 2009
Dense nuclear matter equation of state from heavy-ion collisions
A Sorensen, K Agarwal, KW Brown, Z Chajęcki, P Danielewicz, ...
Progress in Particle and Nuclear Physics 134, 104080, 2024
Intermediate mass fragment production in central collisions of intermediate energy heavy ions
T Li, W Bauer, D Craig, M Cronqvist, E Gualtieri, S Hannuschke, R Lacey, ...
Physical review letters 70 (13), 1924, 1993
Quasielastic scattering of and from at 60 MeV/nucleon
JJ Kolata, M Zahar, R Smith, K Lamkin, M Belbot, R Tighe, BM Sherrill, ...
Physical review letters 69 (18), 2631, 1992
Isotopic scaling of heavy projectile residues from the collisions of 25 M e V/n u c l e o n 86 Kr with 124 Sn, 112 Sn and 64 Ni, 58 Ni
GA Souliotis, DV Shetty, M Veselsky, G Chubarian, L Trache, A Keksis, ...
Physical Review C 68 (2), 024605, 2003
يتعذر على النظام إجراء العملية في الوقت الحالي. عاود المحاولة لاحقًا.
مقالات 1–20