Kristina Arranz
Kristina Arranz
بريد إلكتروني تم التحقق منه على ehu.eus - الصفحة الرئيسية
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Allometric size-scaling of biometric growth parameters and metabolic and excretion rates. A comparative study of intertidal and subtidal populations of mussels (Mytilus …
K Arranz, U Labarta, MJ Fernández-Reiriz, E Navarro
Hydrobiologia 772, 261-275, 2016
From classical to nonparametric growth models: Towards comprehensive modelling of mussel growth patterns
I Fuentes-Santos, U Labarta, K Arranz, MJ Fernández-Reiriz
Marine Environmental Research 127, 41-48, 2017
Metabolic size scaling reflects growth performance effects on age-size relationships in mussels (Mytilus galloprovincialis)
I Ibarrola, K Arranz, P Markaide, E Navarro
Plos one 17 (9), e0268053, 2022
Physiological processes modulate acute and chronic responses to dietary protein/energy ratio fluctuations in individuals and families of Manila clam (Ruditapes philippinarum …
K Arranz, I Urrutxurtu, I Ibarrola, MB Urrutia, C Saavedra, D Cordero, ...
Aquaculture 521, 735056, 2020
Methods for assessment of body tissue composition as an indication of the energetic status in bivalve populations: A comparison of biochemical and elemental analysis
K Arranz, I Urrutxurtu, D Prieto, I Ibarrola, MB Urrutia, E Navarro
Ecological Indicators 121, 107074, 2021
Growth and Physiological Performance in Growth Phenotypes of the Carpet Shell Clam (Ruditapes decussatus) Fed Diets of Variable Lipid/Carbohydrate Ratios
K Arranz, I Urrutxurtu, D Martínez-Patiño, E Navarro
Aquaculture Nutrition 2023 (1), 3622475, 2023
Elemental C and N balances evidence stoichiometric adjustments to dietary protein content in growth phenotypes of the Manila clam (Ruditapes philippinarum)
K Arranz, I Urrutxurtu, E Navarro
Aquaculture 555, 738147, 2022
Stoichiometry of growth under variable scenarios of nutrient limitation: Differential homeostasis of body composition among growth phenotypes of the Manila clam
K Arranz, I Urrutxurtu, I Gairin, E Navarro
Marine Environmental Research 196, 106383, 2024
BivalRed, Red para el estudio y promoción de los servicios ecosistémicos de bivalvos
JMF Babarro, M Albentosa, K Arranz, F Costa, M Delgado, E Galimany, ...
Variable Capacity for Acute and Chronic Thermal Compensation of Physiological Rates Contributes to Inter-Individual Differences in Growth Rate in Mussels (Mytilus …
D Prieto, K Arranz, I Urrutxurtu, E Navarro, MB Urrutia, I Ibarrola
Frontiers in Marine Science 7, 577421, 2020
Does neutral red suit the requirements of being a reliable indicator in clearance rate measurements of suspension-feeding bivalves? An empirical refutation
E Navarro, K Arranz, I Urrutxurtu
Ecological Indicators 106, 105494, 2019
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مقالات 1–11