Utpal Dholakia
Utpal Dholakia
George R. Brown Professor of Marketing, Rice University
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
The social influence of brand community: Evidence from European car clubs
R Algesheimer, UM Dholakia, A Herrmann
Journal of marketing 69 (3), 19-34, 2005
A social influence model of consumer participation in network-and small-group-based virtual communities
UM Dholakia, RP Bagozzi, LK Pearo
International journal of research in marketing 21 (3), 241-263, 2004
Intentional social action in virtual communities
RP Bagozzi, UM Dholakia
Journal of interactive marketing 16 (2), 2-21, 2002
Antecedents and purchase consequences of customer participation in small group brand communities
RP Bagozzi, UM Dholakia
International Journal of research in Marketing 23 (1), 45-61, 2006
Goal setting and goal striving in consumer behavior
RP Bagozzi, U Dholakia
Journal of marketing 63 (4_suppl1), 19-32, 1999
Open source software user communities: A study of participation in Linux user groups
RP Bagozzi, UM Dholakia
Management science 52 (7), 1099-1115, 2006
A motivational process model of product involvement and consumer risk perception
UM Dholakia
European Journal of marketing 35 (11/12), 1340-1362, 2001
Temptation and resistance: An integrated model of consumption impulse formation and enactment
UM Dholakia
Psychology & Marketing 17 (11), 955-982, 2000
How effortful decisions get enacted: The motivating role of decision processes, desires, and anticipated emotions
RP Bagozzi, UM Dholakia, S Basuroy
Journal of Behavioral Decision Making 16 (4), 273-295, 2003
Tell me a good story and I may lend you money: The role of narratives in peer-to-peer lending decisions
M Herzenstein, S Sonenshein, UM Dholakia
Journal of marketing research 48 (SPL), S138-S149, 2011
Strategic herding behavior in peer-to-peer loan auctions
M Herzenstein, UM Dholakia, RL Andrews
Journal of Interactive Marketing 25 (1), 27-36, 2011
An assessment of chronic regulatory focus measures
KL Haws, UM Dholakia, WO Bearden
Journal of Marketing Research 47 (5), 967-982, 2010
Consumer behavior in a multichannel, multimedia retailing environment
UM Dholakia, BE Kahn, R Reeves, A Rindfleisch, D Stewart, E Taylor
Journal of interactive marketing 24 (2), 86-95, 2010
Communal service delivery: How customers benefit from participation in firm-hosted virtual P3 communities
UM Dholakia, V Blazevic, C Wiertz, R Algesheimer
Journal of service research 12 (2), 208-226, 2009
One café chain’s Facebook experiment
UM Dholakia, E Durham
Harvard Business Review 88 (3), 26, 2010
What makes commercial web pages popular? An empirical investigation of web page effectiveness
UM Dholakia, LL Rego
European Journal of Marketing 32 (7/8), 724-736, 1998
Explaining employee engagement with strategic change implementation: A meaning-making approach
S Sonenshein, U Dholakia
Organization Science 23 (1), 1-23, 2012
The democratization of personal consumer loans? Determinants of success in online peer-to-peer loan auctions
M Herzenstein, RL Andrews, UM Dholakia, E Lyandres
Bulletin of the University of Delaware 15 (3), 274-277, 2008
The impact of customer community participation on customer behaviors: An empirical investigation
R Algesheimer, S Borle, UM Dholakia, SS Singh
Marketing science 29 (4), 756-769, 2010
An investigation of the relationship between perceived risk and product involvement.
UM Dholakia
Advances in consumer research 24 (1), 1997
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مقالات 1–20