Mats Fröberg
Mats Fröberg
Naturvårdsverket, Swedish Environmental Protection Agency
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Higher levels of multiple ecosystem services are found in forests with more tree species
L Gamfeldt, T Snäll, R Bagchi, M Jonsson, L Gustafsson, P Kjellander, ...
Nature communications 4 (1), 1-8, 2013
Selective decay of terrestrial organic carbon during transport from land to sea
GA Weyhenmeyer, M Fröberg, E Karltun, M Khalili, D Kothawala, ...
Global Change Biology 18 (1), 349-355, 2012
Recent (< 4 year old) leaf litter is not a major source of microbial carbon in a temperate forest mineral soil
C Kramer, S Trumbore, M Fröberg, LMC Dozal, D Zhang, X Xu, ...
Soil Biology and Biochemistry 42 (7), 1028-1037, 2010
Concentration and fluxes of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) in three Norway spruce stands along a climatic gradient in Sweden
M Fröberg, D Berggren, B Bergkvist, C Bryant, J Mulder
Biogeochemistry 77 (1), 1-23, 2006
Contributions of Oi, Oe and Oa horizons to dissolved organic matter in forest floor leachates
M Fröberg, D Berggren, B Bergkvist, C Bryant, H Knicker
Geoderma 113 (3-4), 311-322, 2003
Low dissolved organic carbon input from fresh litter to deep mineral soils
M Fröberg, PM Jardine, PJ Hanson, CW Swanston, DE Todd, JR Tarver, ...
Soil Science Society of America Journal 71 (2), 347-354, 2007
The contribution of fresh litter to dissolved organic carbon leached from a coniferous forest floor
M Fröberg, D Berggren Kleja, F Hagedorn
European journal of soil science 58 (1), 108-114, 2007
Dissolved Organic Carbon Leaching from a Coniferous Forest Floor--A Field Manipulation Experiment
M Fröberg, DB Kleja, B Bergkvist, E Tipping, J Mulder
Biogeochemistry 75 (2), 271-287, 2005
Carbon and nitrogen pools and fluxes above and below ground in spruce, pine and birch stands in southern Sweden
K Hansson, M Fröberg, HS Helmisaari, DB Kleja, BA Olsson, M Olsson, ...
Forest Ecology and Management 309, 28-35, 2013
Dissolved organic carbon and nitrogen leaching from Scots pine, Norway spruce and silver birch stands in southern Sweden
M Fröberg, K Hansson, DB Kleja, G Alavi
Forest Ecology and Management 262 (9), 1742-1747, 2011
Projecting impacts of climate change on metal mobilization at contaminated sites: Controls by the groundwater level
J Jarsjö, Y Andersson-Sköld, M Fröberg, J Pietroń, R Borgström, Å Löv, ...
Science of The Total Environment 712, 135560, 2020
Measurement and Importance of Dissolved Organic Carbon
R Kolka, P Weishampel, M Fröberg
Field Measurements for Forest Carbon Monitoring, 171-176, 2008
Simulation of carbon cycling, including dissolved organic carbon transport, in forest soil locally enriched with 14 C
E Tipping, PM Chamberlain, M Fröberg, PJ Hanson, PM Jardine
Biogeochemistry 108, 91-107, 2012
Long-term effects of experimental fertilization and soil warming on dissolved organic matter leaching from a spruce forest in Northern Sweden
M Fröberg, H Grip, E Tipping, M Svensson, M Strömgren, DB Kleja
Geoderma 200, 172-179, 2013
Flux of carbon from 14C-enriched leaf litter throughout a forest soil mesocosm
M Fröberg, PJ Hanson, SE Trumbore, CW Swanston, DE Todd
Geoderma 149 (3-4), 181-188, 2009
Metal solubility and transport at a contaminated landfill site–From the source zone into the groundwater
TU Söderberg, DB Kleja, M Åström, J Jarsjö, M Fröberg, A Svensson, ...
Science of the Total Environment 668, 1064-1076, 2019
Mean residence time of O horizon carbon along a climatic gradient in Scandinavia estimated by 14 C measurements of archived soils
M Fröberg, E Tipping, J Stendahl, N Clarke, C Bryant
Biogeochemistry 104 (1), 227-236, 2011
Water chemistry in 179 randomly selected Swedish headwater streams related to forest production, clear-felling and climate
S Löfgren, M Fröberg, J Yu, J Nisell, B Ranneby
Environmental monitoring and assessment 186 (12), 8907-8928, 2014
Evaluation of effects of sustained decadal precipitation manipulations on soil carbon stocks
M Fröberg, PJ Hanson, DE Todd, DW Johnson
Biogeochemistry 89 (2), 151-161, 2008
Patterns and predictability in the intra-annual organic carbon variability across the boreal and hemiboreal landscape
JK Hytteborn, J Temnerud, RB Alexander, EW Boyer, MN Futter, ...
Science of The Total Environment 520, 260-269, 2015
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مقالات 1–20