vivek agarwal
vivek agarwal
Professor of Department of Electrical Engg, Indian Institute of Technology-Bombay
بريد إلكتروني تم التحقق منه على ee.iitb.ac.in
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
MATLAB-based modeling to study the effects of partial shading on PV array characteristics
H Patel, V Agarwal
IEEE transactions on energy conversion 23 (1), 302-310, 2008
Maximum power point tracking scheme for PV systems operating under partially shaded conditions
H Patel, V Agarwal
IEEE transactions on industrial electronics 55 (4), 1689-1698, 2008
A single-stage grid connected inverter topology for solar PV systems with maximum power point tracking
S Jain, V Agarwal
IEEE transactions on power electronics 22 (5), 1928-1940, 2007
Comparison of the performance of maximum power point tracking schemes applied to single-stage grid-connected photovoltaic systems
S Jain, V Agarwal
IET Electric Power Applications 1 (5), 753-762, 2007
A new algorithm for rapid tracking of approximate maximum power point in photovoltaic systems
S Jain, V Agarwal
IEEE power electronics letters 2 (1), 16-19, 2004
An integrated hybrid power supply for distributed generation applications fed by nonconventional energy sources
S Jain, V Agarwal
IEEE transactions on energy conversion 23 (2), 622-631, 2008
A novel scheme for rapid tracking of maximum power point in wind energy generation systems
V Agarwal, RK Aggarwal, P Patidar, C Patki
IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion 25 (1), 228-236, 2009
A single-stage single-phase transformer-less doubly grounded grid-connected PV interface
H Patel, V Agarwal
IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion 24 (1), 93-101, 2009
A hybrid control algorithm for voltage regulation in DC–DC boost converter
C Sreekumar, V Agarwal
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 55 (6), 2530-2538, 2008
Design and analysis of a high-efficiency DC–DC converter with soft switching capability for renewable energy applications requiring high voltage gain
M Das, V Agarwal
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 63 (5), 2936-2944, 2016
Universal single-stage grid-connected inverter
BS Prasad, S Jain, V Agarwal
IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion 23 (1), 128-137, 2008
MPPT scheme for a PV-fed single-phase single-stage grid-connected inverter operating in CCM with only one current sensor
H Patel, V Agarwal
IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion 24 (1), 256-263, 2009
Novel nonlinear droop control techniques to overcome the load sharing and voltage regulation issues in DC microgrid
P Prabhakaran, Y Goyal, V Agarwal
IEEE Transactions on power electronics 33 (5), 4477-4487, 2017
A novel reconfigurable microgrid architecture with renewable energy sources and storage
SS Thale, RG Wandhare, V Agarwal
IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications 51 (2), 1805-1816, 2014
Novel high-performance stand-alone solar PV system with high-gain high-efficiency DC–DC converter power stages
M Das, V Agarwal
IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications 51 (6), 4718-4728, 2015
Novel integration of a PV-wind energy system with enhanced efficiency
RG Wandhare, V Agarwal
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 30 (7), 3638-3649, 2014
A DSP based optimal algorithm for shunt active filter under nonsinusoidal supply and unbalanced load conditions
S George, V Agarwal
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 22 (2), 593-601, 2007
Exact maximum power point tracking of grid-connected partially shaded PV source using current compensation concept
P Sharma, V Agarwal
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 29 (9), 4684-4692, 2013
Novel four-port DC–DC converter for interfacing solar PV–fuel cell hybrid sources with low-voltage bipolar DC microgrids
P Prabhakaran, V Agarwal
IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics 8 (2 …, 2018
New current control based MPPT technique for single stage grid connected PV systems
S Jain, V Agarwal
Energy conversion and management 48 (2), 625-644, 2007
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مقالات 1–20