Are forest disturbances amplifying or canceling out climate change-induced productivity changes in European forests? CPO Reyer, S Bathgate, K Blennow, JG Borges, H Bugmann, S Delzon, ... Environmental research letters: ERL [Web site] 12 (3), 034027, 2017 | 220 | 2017 |
Cross‐scale interactions among bark beetles, climate change, and wind disturbances: A landscape modeling approach C Temperli, H Bugmann, C Elkin Ecological Monographs 83 (3), 383-402, 2013 | 216 | 2013 |
A 2° C warmer world is not safe for ecosystem services in the E uropean A lps C Elkin, AG Gutiérrez, S Leuzinger, C Manusch, C Temperli, L Rasche, ... Global Change Biology 19 (6), 1827-1840, 2013 | 189 | 2013 |
What is Climate-Smart Forestry? A definition from a multinational collaborative process focused on mountain regions of Europe E Bowditch, G Santopuoli, F Binder, M Del Rio, N La Porta, T Kluvankova, ... Ecosystem Services 43, 101113, 2020 | 174 | 2020 |
Adaptive management for competing forest goods and services under climate change C Temperli, H Bugmann, C Elkin Ecological Applications 22 (8), 2065-2077, 2012 | 166 | 2012 |
Potential shift in tree species composition after interaction of fire and drought in the Central Alps B Moser, C Temperli, G Schneiter, T Wohlgemuth European Journal of Forest Research 129, 625-633, 2010 | 139 | 2010 |
A framework for modeling adaptive forest management and decision making under climate change R Yousefpour, C Temperli, JB Jacobsen, BJ Thorsen, H Meilby, MJ Lexer, ... Ecology and Society 22 (4), 2017 | 110 | 2017 |
Interactions among spruce beetle disturbance, climate change and forest dynamics captured by a forest landscape model C Temperli, TT Veblen, SJ Hart, D Kulakowski, AJ Tepley Ecosphere 6 (11), 1-20, 2015 | 72 | 2015 |
Pan-European sustainable forest management indicators for assessing Climate-Smart Forestry in Europe G Santopuoli, C Temperli, I Alberdi, I Barbeito, M Bosela, A Bottero, ... Canadian journal of forest research 51 (12), 1741-1750, 2021 | 59 | 2021 |
Actual European forest management by region, tree species and owner based on 714,000 re-measured trees in national forest inventories MJ Schelhaas, J Fridman, GM Hengeveld, HM Henttonen, A Lehtonen, ... PLoS One 13 (11), e0207151, 2018 | 59 | 2018 |
Updating beliefs and combining evidence in adaptive forest management under climate change: a case study of Norway spruce (Picea abies L. Karst) in the Black Forest, Germany R Yousefpour, C Temperli, H Bugmann, C Elkin, M Hanewinkel, H Meilby, ... Journal of environmental management 122, 56-64, 2013 | 49 | 2013 |
Trade-offs between ecosystem service provision and the predisposition to disturbances: a NFI-based scenario analysis C Temperli, C Blattert, G Stadelmann, UB Brändli, E Thürig Forest Ecosystems 7, 1-17, 2020 | 40 | 2020 |
Long-term impacts of increased timber harvests on ecosystem services and biodiversity: A scenario study based on national forest inventory data C Blattert, R Lemm, E Thürig, G Stadelmann, UB Brändli, C Temperli Ecosystem Services 45, 101150, 2020 | 40 | 2020 |
Are density reduction treatments effective at managing for resistance or resilience to spruce beetle disturbance in the southern Rocky Mountains? C Temperli, SJ Hart, TT Veblen, D Kulakowski, JJ Hicks, R Andrus Forest Ecology and Management 334, 53-63, 2014 | 39 | 2014 |
Silvicultural strategies for increased timber harvesting in a Central European mountain landscape C Temperli, G Stadelmann, E Thürig, P Brang European Journal of Forest Research 136, 493-509, 2017 | 38 | 2017 |
Institutional factors and opportunities for adapting European forest management to climate change L Bouriaud, M Marzano, M Lexer, L Nichiforel, C Reyer, C Temperli, ... Regional environmental change 15, 1595-1609, 2015 | 37 | 2015 |
Sensitivity of ecosystem goods and services projections of a forest landscape model to initialization data C Temperli, J Zell, H Bugmann, C Elkin Landscape Ecology 28, 1337-1352, 2013 | 37 | 2013 |
What is climate-smart forestry? A definition from a multinational collaborative process focused on mountain regions of Europe. Ecosyst Serv 43: 101113 E Bowditch, G Santopuoli, F Binder, M Del Río, N La Porta, T Kluvankova, ... | 32 | 2020 |
Age-class disequilibrium as an opportunity for adaptive forest management in the Carpathian Mountains, Romania L Bouriaud, O Bouriaud, C Elkin, C Temperli, C Reyer, G Duduman, ... Regional Environmental Change 15, 1557-1568, 2015 | 31 | 2015 |
Presenting MASSIMO: a management scenario simulation model to project growth, harvests and carbon dynamics of Swiss forests G Stadelmann, C Temperli, B Rohner, M Didion, A Herold, E Rösler, ... Forests 10 (2), 94, 2019 | 29 | 2019 |