Fuad Baba
Fuad Baba
أسماء أخرىFuad Mutasim Baba
بريد إلكتروني تم التحقق منه على buid.ac.ae
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Dynamic effect of thermal bridges on the energy performance of a low-rise residential building
H Ge, F Baba
Energy and Buildings 105, 106-118, 2015
Calibration of building model based on indoor temperature for overheating assessment using genetic algorithm: Methodology, evaluation criteria, and case study
FM Baba, H Ge, R Zmeureanu, LL Wang
Building and Environment 207, 108518, 2022
Effect of dynamic modeling of thermal bridges on the energy performance of residential buildings with high thermal mass for cold climates
H Ge, F Baba
Sustainable Cities and Society 34, 250-263, 2017
Do high energy-efficient buildings increase overheating risk in cold climates? Causes and mitigation measures required under recent and future climates
FM Baba, H Ge, LL Wang, R Zmeureanu
Building and Environment 219, 109230, 2022
Dynamic effect of balcony thermal bridges on the energy performance of a high-rise residential building in Canada
F Baba, H Ge
Energy and Buildings 116, 78-88, 2016
Assessing and mitigating overheating risk in existing Canadian school buildings under extreme current and future climates
FM Baba, H Ge, LL Wang, R Zmeureanu
Energy and Buildings 279, 112710, 2023
Optimizing overheating, lighting, and heating energy performances in Canadian school for climate change adaptation: Sensitivity analysis and multi-objective optimization …
FM Baba, H Ge, R Zmeureanu, LL Wang
Building and Environment 237, 110336, 2023
Typical and extreme weather datasets for studying the resilience of buildings to climate change and heatwaves
A Machard, A Salvati, M P. Tootkaboni, A Gaur, J Zou, LL Wang, F Baba, ...
Scientific data 11 (1), 531, 2024
IEA EBC Annex 80-Dynamic simulation guideline for the performance testing of resilient cooling strategies: Version 2
C Zhang, O Berk Kazanci, S Attia, R Levinson, S Hoon Lee, P Holzer, ...
Aalborg University, Aalborg, Denmark, 2023
Feasibility of planting trees around buildings as a nature-based solution of carbon sequestration—An LCA approach using two case studies
F Grossi, H Ge, R Zmeureanu, F Baba
Buildings 13 (1), 41, 2023
Dynamic effect of thermal bridges on the energy performance of residential buildings in BC
F Baba, H Ge
International Building Performance Simulation Association-eSim 67 (155), 242 …, 2016
IEA EBC Annex 80-Dynamic simulation guideline for the performance testing of resilient cooling strategies
C Zhang, OB Kazanci, S Attia, R Levinson, SH Lee, P Holzer, A Salvatif, ...
Department of the Built Environment, Aalborg University, 2021
Mitigating undercooling and overheating risk in existing desert schools under current and future climate using validated building simulation model
FM Baba, MH Hussein, S Saleh, M Baba, J Awad
Building and Environment 245, 110871, 2023
Assessing the effectiveness of building retrofits in reducing GHG emissions: A Canadian school case study
F Grossi, H Ge, R Zmeureanu, F Baba
Journal of Building Engineering 91, 109622, 2024
Effect of climate change on the energy performance and thermal comfort of high-rise residential buildings in cold climates
FM Baba, H Ge
MATEC Web of Conferences 282, 02066, 2019
Overheating risk of a single-family detached house built at different ages under current and future climate in Canada
FM Baba, H Ge
E3S Web of Conferences 172, 02004, 2020
Effect of Climate Change and Extreme Weather Events on the Thermal Conditions of Canadian Multi-unit Residential Buildings.
FM Baba, H Ge
ASHRAE Transactions 125 (2), 2019
Effect of climate change on the annual energy consumption of a single family house in British Columbia
FM Baba, H Ge
MATEC Web of Conferences 251, 03018, 2018
Resilient cooling of buildings field studies report (Annex 80)
D Qi, G Hofer, P Jaboyedoff, L Ji, C Shu, H Ge, L Wang, S Schoisengeier, ...
Institute of Building Research & Innovation, Vienne, Austria, 2024
Comparing overheating risk and mitigation strategies for two Canadian schools by using building simulation calibrated with measured data
FM Baba, KCT Cheong, H Ge, R Zmeureanu, L Wang, D Qi
Journal of Building Performance Simulation, 1-19, 2023
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مقالات 1–20