Pap András László
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Democratic decline in Hungary: Law and society in an illiberal democracy
AL Pap
Routledge, 2017
Racism and police stops: Adapting US and British debates to continental Europe
J Miller, P Gounev, AL Pap, D Wagman, A Balogi, T Bezlov, B Simonovits, ...
European journal of criminology 5 (2), 161-191, 2008
Rendészet, tudomány, doktori iskola
K Kerezsi, AL Pap
Magyar Rendészet 15 (4), 67–83-67–83, 2015
Is there a legal right to free choice of ethno-racial identity: Legal and political difficulties in defining minority communities and membership boundaries
AL Pap
Colum. Hum. Rts. L. Rev. 46, 153, 2014
Racial, ethnic, or national minority? Legal discourses and policy frameworks on the Roma in Hungary and beyond
A Pap
Legal Discourses and Policy Frameworks on the Roma in Hungary and Beyond, 32-47, 2015
Human rights and ethnic data collection in Hungary
AL Pap
Human Rights Review 9 (1), 109-122, 2008
A bűnözés és a bűnözéskontroll jövője
K Kerezsi, AL Pap
The future of crime and crime control]. In G. Finszter and I. Sabjanics (eds …, 2017
Intézményes diszkrimináció és zaklatás (Institutional Discrimination and Harassment)
A Pap
Belügyi Szemle 63 (12), 80-105, 2015
Minority rights and diaspora-claims: collision, interdependence and loss of orientation
A Pap
Beyond sovereignty: From status law to transnational citizenship, 243-254, 2006
Chapter 6: Constitutional Identity? The Hungarian Model of Illiberal Democracy
AL Pap
A quarter century of Post-Communism assessed, 161-186, 2017
Academic freedom: A test and a tool for illiberalism, neoliberalism, and liberal democracy
AL Pap
Brown J. world Aff. 27, 105, 2020
Police ethnic profiling in Hungary—An empirical research: Ideals of systemicity and axiomatisability between Utopianism and Heuristic assertion
A Kádár, A Pap
Acta Juridica Hungarica 50 (3), 253-267, 2009
Conceptualizing and Operationalizing Identity, Race, Ethnicity, and Nationality by Law: An Introduction
AL Pap
Nationalities Papers 49 (2), 213-220, 2021
The rise of illiberal democracy and the remedies of multi-level constitutionalism
AL Pap, A Śledzińska-Simon
Hungarian Journal of Legal Studies 60 (1), 65-85, 2019
Ethno-racial identity (politics) by law:“Fraud” and “choice”
AL Pap
Nationalities Papers 45 (5), 968-987, 2017
Recognition, representation and reproach: New institutional arrangements in the Hungarian multiculturalist model
A Pap
Beyond International Conditionality, 101-136, 2017
Who Are'We, the People'? Biases and Preferences in the Hungarian Fundamental Law
A Pap
Biases and preferences in the Hungarian Fundamental Law, 53-75, 2015
Ki és mi a magyar? Az Alaptörvény preferenciái kritikai perspektívából
PA László
Gárdos-Orosz Fruzsina–Szente Zoltán szerk.: Alkotmányozás és alkotmányjogi …, 2014
Police ethnic profiling in Hungary–lessons from an international research
AL Pap
Regio-Minorities, Politics, Society-English Edition 10 (1), 117-140, 2007
Neglect, Marginalization, and Abuse: Hate Crime Legislation and Practice in the Labyrinth of Identity Politics, Minority Protection, and Penal Populism
AL Pap
Nationalities Papers 49 (2), 221-239, 2021
يتعذر على النظام إجراء العملية في الوقت الحالي. عاود المحاولة لاحقًا.
مقالات 1–20