The steroid/peptide theory of social bonds: Integrating testosterone and peptide responses for classifying social behavioral contexts SM van Anders, KL Goldey, PX Kuo Psychoneuroendocrinology 36 (9), 1265-1275, 2011 | 349 | 2011 |
Gender role beliefs, work-family conflict, and father involvement after the birth of a second child PX Kuo, BL Volling, R Gonzalez Psychology of Men & Masculinity, 2017 | 161 | 2017 |
Neural responses to infants linked with behavioral interactions and testosterone in fathers PX Kuo, J Carp, KC Light, KM Grewen Biological psychology 91 (2), 302-306, 2012 | 104 | 2012 |
Patterns of marital relationship change across the transition from one child to two. BL Volling, W Oh, R Gonzalez, PX Kuo, T Yu Couple and Family Psychology: Research and Practice 4 (3), 177, 2015 | 85 | 2015 |
Fathers' cortisol and testosterone in the days around infants' births predict later paternal involvement PX Kuo, JM Braungart-Rieker, JEB Lefever, MS Sarma, M O'Neill, ... Hormones and behavior 106, 28-34, 2018 | 76 | 2018 |
His, hers, or theirs? Coparenting after the birth of a second child. PX Kuo, BL Volling, R Gonzalez Journal of Family Psychology, 2017 | 69 | 2017 |
Individual variation in fathers’ testosterone reactivity to infant distress predicts parenting behaviors with their 1‐year‐old infants PX Kuo, EK Saini, E Thomason, OC Schultheiss, R Gonzalez, BL Volling Developmental psychobiology 58 (3), 303-314, 2016 | 60 | 2016 |
Individual variation in fathers’ testosterone reactivity to infant distress predicts parenting behaviors with their 1‐year‐old infants PX Kuo, EK Saini, E Thomason, OC Schultheiss, R Gonzalez, BL Volling Developmental psychobiology 58 (3), 2016 | 60 | 2016 |
Developmental trajectories of children's adjustment across the transition to siblinghood: Pre-birth predictors and sibling outcomes at one year BL Volling, R Gonzalez, W Oh, JH Song, T Yu, L Rosenberg, PX Kuo, ... Monographs of the Society for Research in Child Development 82 (3), 1-215, 2017 | 48 | 2017 |
Is one secure attachment enough? Infant cortisol reactivity and the security of infant-mother and infant-father attachments at the end of the first year PX Kuo, EK Saini, E Tengelitsch, BL Volling Attachment & human development 21 (5), 426-444, 2019 | 46 | 2019 |
Contributions of Television Use to Beliefs About Fathers and Gendered Family Roles Among First-Time Expectant Parents. PX Kuo, LM Ward Psychology of Men & Masculinity 17 (4), 2016 | 36 | 2016 |
Whose parenting stress is more vulnerable to marital dissatisfaction? A within‐couple approach examining gender, cognitive reappraisal, and parental identity PX Kuo, VJ Johnson Family Process 60 (4), 1470-1487, 2021 | 24 | 2021 |
Fathers’ oxytocin responses to first holding their newborns: Interactions with testosterone reactivity to predict later parenting behavior and father‐infant bonds LT Gettler, PX Kuo, MS Sarma, BC Trumble, JE Burke Lefever, ... Developmental psychobiology 63 (5), 1384-1398, 2021 | 21 | 2021 |
Sociosexuality, testosterone, and life history status: prospective associations and longitudinal changes among men in Cebu, Philippines LT Gettler, PX Kuo, S Rosenbaum, JL Avila, TW McDade, CW Kuzawa Evolution and Human Behavior 40 (2), 249-258, 2019 | 21 | 2019 |
Exploring the links between early life and young adulthood social experiences and men's later life psychobiology as fathers MS Sarma, PX Kuo, SA Bechayda, CW Kuzawa, LT Gettler Physiology & behavior 193, 82-89, 2018 | 20 | 2018 |
The Roles of Parents in Shaping Fathering Across Generations in Cebu, Philippines LT Gettler, PX Kuo, A Bas, JB Borja Journal of Marriage and Family 81 (3), 662-678, 2019 | 14 | 2019 |
Adult attachment and testosterone reactivity: Fathers' avoidance predicts changes in testosterone during the strange situation procedure RS Edelstein, K Chin, EK Saini, PX Kuo, OC Schultheiss, BL Volling Hormones and behavior 112, 10-19, 2019 | 12 | 2019 |
Investigating moderators of daily marital to parent–child spillover: Individual and family systems approaches PX Kuo, K Lee, VJ Johnson, EJ Starr Family Relations 72 (4), 1675-1693, 2023 | 9 | 2023 |
Social support moderates the relation between childhood trauma and prenatal depressive symptoms in adolescent mothers AL Nowak, JM Braungart-Rieker, PX Kuo Journal of Reproductive and Infant Psychology 40 (6), 644-658, 2022 | 9 | 2022 |
Coparenting support in the context of difficult children: Mother and father differences VJ Johnson, D Choi, LA Wheeler, PX Kuo Family process 63 (3), 1373-1391, 2024 | 8 | 2024 |