Claudio Mahler
Claudio Mahler
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
A model for estimation of potential generation of waste electrical and electronic equipment in Brazil
MG Araújo, A Magrini, CF Mahler, B Bilitewski
Waste management 32 (2), 335-342, 2012
Hydrogen and methane production in a two-stage anaerobic digestion system by co-digestion of food waste, sewage sludge and glycerol
FMS Silva, CF Mahler, LB Oliveira, JP Bassin
Waste Management 76, 339-349, 2018
Stability of landfills-The Bandung dumpsite disaster
F Koelsch, K Fricke, C Mahler, E Damanhuri
Proceedings sardinia, 2005
Evaluation of investments in recycling centres for construction and demolition wastes in Brazilian municipalities
KRA Nunes, CF Mahler, R Valle, C Neves
Waste management 27 (11), 1531-1540, 2007
Reverse logistics in the Brazilian construction industry
KRA Nunes, CF Mahler, RA Valle
Journal of environmental management 90 (12), 3717-3720, 2009
Pilot project of mechanical-biological treatment of waste in Brazil
K Münnich, CF Mahler, K Fricke
Waste management 26 (2), 150-157, 2006
Fitorremediação: o uso de plantas na melhoria da qualidade ambiental
JCM e Andrade, SR de Lucena Tavares, CF Mahler
Oficina de textos, 2007
Comparison of construction and demolition waste management between Brazil, European Union and USA
KRA Nunes, CF Mahler
Waste Management & Research 38 (4), 415-422, 2020
Hydrogen production through anaerobic co-digestion of food waste and crude glycerol at mesophilic conditions
FMS Silva, LB Oliveira, CF Mahler, JP Bassin
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 42 (36), 22720-22729, 2017
Analysis of potential for reducing emissions of greenhouse gases in municipal solid waste in Brazil, in the state and city of Rio de Janeiro
SM Loureiro, ELL Rovere, CF Mahler
Waste management 33 (5), 1302-1312, 2013
Metal accumulation in roadside soils of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil: impact of traffic volume, road age, and urbanization level
CAR Bernardino, CF Mahler, RE Santelli, AS Freire, BF Braz, LAB Novo
Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 191, 1-14, 2019
Soil erosion as a function of different agricultural land use in Rio de Janeiro
MGG Nacinovic, CF Mahler, A de Souza Avelar
Soil and tillage Research 144, 164-173, 2014
Preparation of biochar from sugarcane by-product filter mud by slow pyrolysis and its use like adsorbent
CAR Bernardino, CF Mahler, MCC Veloso, GA Romeiro
Waste and Biomass Valorization 8, 2511-2521, 2017
Biochar generated from agro-industry sugarcane residue by low temperature pyrolysis utilized as an adsorption agent for the removal of thiamethoxam pesticide in wastewater
JO Fernandes, CAR Bernardino, CF Mahler, RE Santelli, BF Braz, ...
Water, Air, & Soil Pollution 232, 1-13, 2021
Development of an integrated treatment strategy for a leather tannery landfill leachate
AD Webler, FC Moreira, MWC Dezotti, CF Mahler, IDB Segundo, ...
Waste Management 89, 114-128, 2019
Índice de qualidade no sistema da gestão ambiental em aterros de resíduos sólidos urbanos: IQS
SM Loureiro
Shear resistance of mechanical biological pre-treated domestic urban waste
CF Mahler, A De Lamare Netto
Proceedings Sardinia, 6-10, 2003
Strategies to re-establish stable granulation after filamentous outgrowth: Insights from lab-scale experiments
LL Moura, KLS Duarte, EP Santiago, CF Mahler, JP Bassin
Process Safety and Environmental Protection 117, 606-615, 2018
Comparison of the methane oxidation rate in four media
JL Rose, CF Mahler, RLS Izzo
Revista Brasileira de Ciência do Solo 36, 803-812, 2012
Plants to harvest rhenium: scientific and economic viability
LAB Novo, CF Mahler, L González
Environmental Chemistry Letters 13, 439-445, 2015
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مقالات 1–20