Suzanne M. Colby
Suzanne M. Colby
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Brief intervention for harm reduction with alcohol-positive older adolescents in a hospital emergency department.
PM Monti, SM Colby, NP Barnett, A Spirito, DJ Rohsenow, M Myers, ...
Journal of consulting and clinical psychology 67 (6), 989, 1999
Time to first cigarette in the morning as an index of ability to quit smoking: implications for nicotine dependence
TB Baker, ME Piper, DE McCarthy, DM Bolt, SS Smith, SY Kim, S Colby, ...
Nicotine & Tobacco Research 9 (Suppl_4), S555-S570, 2007
Parental smoking and adolescent smoking initiation: an intergenerational perspective on tobacco control
SE Gilman, R Rende, J Boergers, DB Abrams, SL Buka, MA Clark, ...
Pediatrics 123 (2), e274-e281, 2009
Brief motivational interviewing in a hospital setting for adolescent smoking: a preliminary study.
SM Colby, PM Monti, NP Barnett, DJ Rohsenow, K Weissman, A Spirito, ...
Journal of consulting and clinical psychology 66 (3), 574, 1998
Evaluating transdisciplinary science
D Stokols, J Fuqua, J Gress, R Harvey, K Phillips, L Baezconde-Garbanati, ...
Nicotine & Tobacco Research 5 (Suppl_1), S21-S39, 2003
Are adolescent smokers dependent on nicotine? A review of the evidence
SM Colby, ST Tiffany, S Shiffman, RS Niaura
Drug and alcohol dependence 59, 83-95, 2000
A randomized clinical trial of a brief motivational intervention for alcohol-positive adolescents treated in an emergency department
A Spirito, PM Monti, NP Barnett, SM Colby, H Sindelar, DJ Rohsenow, ...
The Journal of pediatrics 145 (3), 396-402, 2004
Cue exposure with coping skills treatment for male alcoholics: a preliminary investigation.
PM Monti, DJ Rohsenow, AV Rubonis, RS Niaura, AD Sirota, SM Colby, ...
Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology 61 (6), 1011, 1993
Naltrexone and cue exposure with coping and communication skills training for alcoholics: treatment process and 1‐year outcomes
PM Monti, DJ Rohsenow, RM Swift, SB Gulliver, SM Colby, TI Mueller, ...
Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research 25 (11), 1634-1647, 2001
A randomized controlled trial of a behavioral economic supplement to brief motivational interventions for college drinking.
JG Murphy, AA Dennhardt, JR Skidmore, B Borsari, NP Barnett, SM Colby, ...
Journal of consulting and clinical psychology 80 (5), 876, 2012
Efficacy of counselor vs. computer-delivered intervention with mandated college students
NP Barnett, JG Murphy, SM Colby, PM Monti
Addictive behaviors 32 (11), 2529-2548, 2007
Cue reactivity as a predictor of drinking among male alcoholics.
DJ Rohsenow, PM Monti, AV Rubonis, AD Sirota, RS Niaura, SM Colby, ...
Journal of consulting and clinical psychology 62 (3), 620, 1994
Motivational interviewing versus feedback only in emergency care for young adult problem drinking
PM Monti, NP Barnett, SM Colby, CJ Gwaltney, A Spirito, DJ Rohsenow, ...
Addiction 102 (8), 1234-1243, 2007
Balancing consideration of the risks and benefits of e-cigarettes
DJK Balfour, NL Benowitz, SM Colby, DK Hatsukami, HA Lando, ...
American journal of public health 111 (9), 1661-1672, 2021
Screening adolescents for problem drinking: performance of brief screens against DSM-IV alcohol diagnoses.
T Chung, SM Colby, NP Barnett, DJ Rohsenow, A Spirito, PM Monti
Journal of studies on alcohol 61 (4), 579-587, 2000
Cue exposure with coping skills training and communication skills training for alcohol dependence: 6‐and 12‐month outcomes
DJ Rohsenow, PM Monti, AV Rubonis, SB Gulliver, SM Colby, JA Binkoff, ...
Addiction 96 (8), 1161-1174, 2001
Measuring nicotine dependence among youth: a review of available approaches and instruments
SM Colby, ST Tiffany, S Shiffman, RS Niaura
Drug and Alcohol Dependence 59, 23-39, 2000
Alcohol cue reactivity and mood induction in male and female alcoholics.
AV Rubonis, SM Colby, PM Monti, DJ Rohsenow, SB Gulliver, AD Sirota
Journal of studies on alcohol 55 (4), 487-494, 1994
Naltrexone's effect on cue‐elicited craving among alcoholics in treatment
PM Monti, DJ Rohsenow, KE Hutchison, RM Swift, TI Mueller, SM Colby, ...
Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research 23 (8), 1386-1394, 1999
Using behavioral theories of choice to predict drinking outcomes following a brief intervention.
JG Murphy, CJ Correia, SM Colby, RE Vuchinich
Experimental and clinical psychopharmacology 13 (2), 93, 2005
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مقالات 1–20