Gergely Boros
Gergely Boros
Research associate professor, Balaton Limnological Research Institute
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
When are fish sources vs. sinks of nutrients in lake ecosystems?
MJ Vanni, G Boros, PB McIntyre
Ecology 94 (10), 2195-2206, 2013
Relationship between F ulton's condition factor and proximate body composition in three freshwater fish species
A Mozsár, G Boros, P Sály, L Antal, SA Nagy
Journal of Applied Ichthyology 31 (2), 315-320, 2015
Influence of submerged macrophytes, temperature, and nutrient loading on the development of redox potential around the sediment–water interface in lakes
G Boros, M Søndergaard, P Takács, Á Vári, I Tátrai
Hydrobiologia 665, 117-127, 2011
The importance of sedimenting organic matter, relative to oxygen and temperature, in structuring lake profundal macroinvertebrate assemblages
J Jyväsjärvi, G Boros, RI Jones, H Hämäläinen
Hydrobiologia 709, 55-72, 2013
Ontogenetic variation in the body stoichiometry of two fish species
G Boros, P Sály, MJ Vanni
Oecologia 179, 329-341, 2015
Abrupt shift from clear to turbid state in a shallow eutrophic, biomanipulated lake
I Tátrai, G Boros, AI György, K Mátyás, J Korponai, P Pomogyi, M Havasi, ...
Hydrobiologia 620, 149-161, 2009
Gut content microbiota of introduced bigheaded carps (Hypophthalmichthys spp.) inhabiting the largest shallow lake in Central Europe
AK Borsodi, A Szabó, G Krett, T Felföldi, A Specziár, G Boros
Microbiological Research 195, 40-50, 2017
The role of filter-feeding Asian carps in algal dispersion
J Görgényi, G Boros, Z Vitál, A Mozsár, G Várbíró, G Vasas, G Borics
Hydrobiologia 764, 115-126, 2016
The fate of phosphorus in decomposing fish carcasses: a mesocosm experiment
G Boros, P Takács, MJ Vanni
Freshwater Biology 60 (3), 479-489, 2015
Growth and condition factor of hybrid (Bighead Hypophthalmichthys nobilis Richardson, 1845 × silver carp H. molitrix Valenciennes, 1844) Asian carps in the …
G Boros, A Mozsár, Z Vitál, AS Nagy, A Specziár
Journal of Applied Ichthyology 30 (3), 546-548, 2014
Global dataset of species-specific inland recreational fisheries harvest for consumption
HS Embke, EA Nyboer, AM Robertson, R Arlinghaus, SL Akintola, ...
Scientific Data 9 (1), 488, 2022
Between-lake variation in the elemental composition of roach (Rutilus rutilus L.)
G Boros, J Jyväsjärvi, P Takács, A Mozsár, I Tátrai, M Søndergaard, ...
Aquatic Ecology 46, 385-394, 2012
Microcystis chemotype diversity in the alimentary tract of bigheaded carp
M Riba, A Kiss-Szikszai, S Gonda, G Boros, Z Vitál, AK Borsodi, G Krett, ...
Toxins 11 (5), 288, 2019
Relationship between gill raker morphology and feeding habits of hybrid bigheaded carps (Hypophthalmichthys spp.)
I Battonyai, A Specziár, Z Vitál, A Mozsár, J Görgényi, G Borics, LG Tóth, ...
Knowledge and Management of Aquatic Ecosystems, 36, 2015
Oligotrophication of Lake Balaton over a 20-year period and its implications for the relationship between phytoplankton and zooplankton biomass
G Bernát, N Boross, B Somogyi, L Vörös, L G.-Tóth, G Boros
Hydrobiologia 847, 3999-4013, 2020
Comparison of different methods used for phosphorus determination in aquatic organisms
G Boros, A Mozsár
Hydrobiologia 758, 235-242, 2015
Changes in internal phosphorus loading and fish population as possible causes of water quality decline in a shallow, biomanipulated lake
G Boros, I Tátrai, ÁI György, Á Vári, AS Nagy
International review of hydrobiology 94 (3), 326-337, 2009
Scavenger‐driven fish carcass decomposition and phosphorus recycling: Laboratory experiments with freshwater fish and crayfish
G Boros, I Czeglédi, T Erős, B Preiszner
Freshwater Biology 65 (10), 1740-1751, 2020
Applicability of gill raker filtrates and foregut contents in the diet assessment of filter-feeding Asian carps
Z Vitál, A Specziár, A Mozsár, P Takács, G Borics, J Görgényi, SA Nagy, ...
Fundam. Appl. Limnol 187, 79-86, 2015
Elevated temperature results in higher compositional variability of pioneer phytoplankton communities in a mesocosm system
K Pálffy, AW Kovács, V Kardos, I Hausz, G Boros
Journal of Plankton Research 43 (2), 142-155, 2021
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مقالات 1–20